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Who's Who Guest List

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Just wondering if anyone has created (or plan to) a guest list or directory to include in their OOT bags?  A picture and short description of each guest attending?


I think it would be a cute addition, but not sure how to go about creating one!

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I'm putting a welcome booklet for my guests that will have a "Meet the Guests" section....$1 photo album from Walmart, cardstock, extra print cartridges and Microsoft PowerPoint ;) Finding and cropping the pictures was the most time consuming part!

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I am just completing mine right now - my formate is as follows:


Name: xxx Relationship: Natalie and Lauren met in grade six at school and they have been friends every since.  They even lived together for a few months in Toronto together. Natalie's fondest memory: Lauren and myself are both huge lovers of food, and when I think of happy times with Lauren it always surrounds us eating!  In high school we had an obsession with pickles and olives and then our pallets matured to hummus, tabouli, goat cheese and wine :)  When Whole Foods came to Oakville we would plan our nights around grocery shopping, watching a movie and eating our finger foods on the couch.  I think our best purchase from Whole Foods one night was four huge meatballs that we found in the deli section and cooked up for dinner. Did you know: Lauren in currently taking her MBA at the University of Toronto, working as Director of Shared Services at her fathers company and planning a wedding in December.  She is one busy girl!   My fiance will be doing his friends and his side of the family.  We will have pictures attached in a pretty book.   I hope this helps some ppl.   Natalie
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I made one for my guests in Word called Jamaica Facebook.  I included their name, relationship to the bride & groom, where they traveled from, space for room #, as well as their picture.  I attached a template of what I used, I removed everyone's pictures, names, and places...but you'll get the idea.  So far mine is about 3 pages and I am planning on getting them printed out at Kinkos and handing them out in everyone's OOT bags at the resort.  Hope this can help someone! :)







facebook_Template BDW.doc

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love this idea! I am def going to use this for my OOT bags. Thank you for the template

Originally Posted by mekanabr View Post

I made one for my guests in Word called Jamaica Facebook.  I included their name, relationship to the bride & groom, where they traveled from, space for room #, as well as their picture.  I attached a template of what I used, I removed everyone's pictures, names, and places...but you'll get the idea.  So far mine is about 3 pages and I am planning on getting them printed out at Kinkos and handing them out in everyone's OOT bags at the resort.  Hope this can help someone! :)








facebook_Template BDW.doc

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I think I am going to do a faux "star" or "people" magazine. I found a website where they will print low amounts of magazines for you (so I'm planning on doing one for each welcome bag per room so around 30) and in it I will include similar features from star and people. For example:


My Letter from the editor page will be my thank you note to the guests for coming...


the who's been where this week will be my list of itinerary


I will do a past and present brides section where I will post pics of some of my older guests at their weddings and some of my friends at their weddings


I will do a News section which will gossip about all of my friends businesses, engagements, births, etc.


I will do a Wedding scoop section which will "predict" all the details that the guests need to know about the wedding and the welcome cocktail dinner


I will do a "when they were young section" which will be all of the groomsmen and bridesmaids as kids with a game to pick who is who


And I will do a crossword puzzle with a fact about all the guests that people can only answer if they have talked to the other guests...winner will get a prize or something...


The magazine will only cost about a 100 to publish for 30 of them and its my only DIY project so I am excited! Thoughts???


<3 Brit 12/9/11

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