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Customs in Mexico : an effort to gather the info in one thread !

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OK so we're having this VERY interesting discussion in the May 09 thread that I thought would be useful for everybody ! I personnally only discovered this issue today and it leaves me just enough time to get prepared for this...


Plus, some already married brides could share their good or bad experience - which would have the advantage of being live experience instead of us elaborating on what could happen...


So the whole discussion started in post 923 of the May 2009 thread - were we supposed to bring our receipts with us for the OOT bags and other wedding stuff :




Here is the summary of all the info that could be gathered so far :


First, what you can find on the Mexico customs site :

Aduana México


- we're allowed to bring personal belongings, in a reasonable quantity

- on top of the personal belongings listed, you can bring up to 300$ per person and this can be grouped per family if you arrive together. So, if you're travel with your already husband, and have the same name, you cna put all your stuff in one suitcase. If it's your FI or you did not change your name yet, allocate the stuff between 2 suitcases so that each of you have no more than 300$

- I understand that above the 300$, they compute customs duties at variable rates, and if you owe less than 50$, they let you go. Over 50$, you have to pay.


From the experience / hear say from other ladies :

- you'll have no issue if you don't have too much luggage, and/or if your light goes green. But of course if you have a lot, even before the light goes on you can have questions

- if they start looking in your suitcases better have your receipts or it can turn nasty... it can also be fine but do you want to try your luck here...

- if you have receipts it usually goes fine...

- if you did not keep your receipt, make some. You can find templates from microsoft :




or buy some paper ones you can fill by hand at Staples or Office Max :


Adams Write & Stick Receipt Book, 2-3/4" x 5-3/8", 2 Part | Staples®



Here are some useful threads on the subject :









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Ayita - great idea to combine everything on this topic. I had found the threads months ago advising to bring your receipts and to also put notes in your suitcases in spanish saying items were not for resale, were for a wedding. So many good tips - thanks for thinking of this.

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Okay...so this freaks me out a little bit. I'm so glad I found this thread. I would have had NOOO idea. I don't know why I didn't even think about this kind of stuff!


I guess I figured if I would have trouble with customs, it would be coming BACK, not going THERE!


I guess I better start finding all those receipts....

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