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Photo Albums as Favors

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Has anyone given or thought about giving photo albums as part of their OOT bags? My mom and I were trying to decide what to do and I don't want to waste money on items people will never use again like towels or bags.

If you have done albums where did you get them?



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My sister in law did a very funny thing - she included a "Useful Spanish Phrases" one sheet that was printed on funny fiesta paper.


Here was a sampling of phrases:


-My donkey is dead (this translation was quoted in our guestbook)


-I need to find a black mustache for my dog


-Where can I buy a potato masher?


-No, I do not want to sleep with you, but maybe you can ask that man over there.


-No, I'm not gay. But there's nothing wrong with being gay. Why do you ask? Oh my god - do people think I'm gay?


Anyway - you get the picture. It was very funny and was referred to often over the days we were there.

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