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Florist Reviews
Amazing bouquets!
This is a review of:

Maya Floral

Detailed Ratings

By prettypigpig, · 682 Views · 0 Comments

Pros: nice client service, affordable prices, and creative
Cons: none

After getting the price list from my resort, I was determined to go outside of the resort!  Price like $120 for a rose bouquet, and $30 for a rose bout?! err....not sure if there is any value added with these premium price flowers.

I contacted Marvin, and told him what I want, and he sent me a lot of pics for inspiration and at the end, I picked pink peonies as my main flowers.

Upon delivery, because my MIL's hair flowers order was printed on the second page of the invoice, and was forgotten...but no problem! Marvin went back and worth like in the movie Fast and Furious, and brought the 3 tiny orchilds to MIL just in time!



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