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Everything posted by ValerieMolcha

  1. Hi ladies, I am so glad to find this forum! I feel like info is limited until four months out from my date, June 13, 2017, so it's nice to be able to hear how everyone's planning has been going. I am really struggling with either brining most of the decor myself or just letting them spearhead everything. Like another girl mentioned they welcome you to bring your own stuff and will charge a set up fee. I worry because of the amount of stuff I want to bring and if the overage in luggage and the entire hassle plus the said set up cost will result me spending more than just having them do everything. Any insight? Also, I wonder how flex they are with mix and matching menus. There are apps from the cocktail hour menus that I saw, which I want to add to my reception dinner. We are opting for Family style.
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