Songs that I collected to get everyone on the Dance floor:
“Ready to Start,” Arcade Fire
(That’s “Ready to Start the Party” to you.)
“I Feel It All,” Feist
(Feeling mighty fine.)
“A-Punk,” Vampire Weekend
(Aren’t they all?)
“Tighten Up,” The Black Keys
(And get down.)
“Say Aha,” Santigold
(Less talk, more dance.)
“Je Veux Te Voir,” Yelle
(It’s French for “good music.”)
“Deadbeat Summer,” Neon Indian
(Children of the ’80s gotta love synth pop.)
“Whirring,” The Joy Formidable
(It’s going by so fast; take a second to dance.)
“Drunk Girls,” LCD Soundsystem
(Never tardy to the party.)
“Electric Feel,” Mgmt
(Better than the electric slide.)
“Creator,” Santigold
(No, that’s not M.I.A.)