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Everything posted by Hmariscal

  1. Hi past brides does anyone know if you have to pay a outside vendor fee to for makeup? Thank you
  2. Hiiiii past Barcelo and future brides!!!! I am getting married June 23,2017. I started planning this wedding in Jan! I have planned a lot so far so good! My reception will be on Captain Morgans beach since Playa Azul beach was already booked (BUMMER). Can anyone tell me if there is a nice breeze on the beach during the summer?? Please and thank you!
  3. Hi there, are there any recent barcelo brides. I need your help please!! I am getting married in June of 2017. Mint breeze package with approx 50 guest only 4 hours of reception. Do I have a choice to use one of the grills like the coral grill if available? If I do has anyone used it for their reception? Was it hot or uncomfortable? I heard there is no AC and as I mentioned I will be getting married in June and the humidity...whoooooah!! I don't mind the banquet room but do they make it look nice and decent? Also if I bring my own decoration will the wc set that up for me or do I have to? I appreciate any advice help or recommendations! Thanks
  4. Hi everyone, I am so glad I have found this website. It has been very helpful to read all of your post, thanks so much! I do have questions if anyone is willing to answer that has some knowledge and experience having their wedding already at Barcelo. I am staying at the palace I have approx. 50 guest attending. I chose the mint breeze package. I am leaning towards playa azul beach for the ceremony and as far as the reception I'm a little stumped. Do I get to choose the location? I know it has to be inside so does that mean a banquet hall or choice of one of the grills? And do you recommend after a hot day in June to have the reception in a hall or one of the grills? I read they don't have no AC. Please let me know. Thanks
  5. Hi Stacey I am also planning my wedding at Barcelo Palace in June of 2017!
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