Hi ladies,
I went for my preview in June and it was awesome and I met with my new wedding planner Andrea Garza and she was amazing, much more helpful than Jessica and she gets back to my emails very quickly and I've been feeling much better planning. I had a payment due this week and I sent the email with the information and never heard back from Andrea. Today I sent a follow-up email and I received this:
Esta cuenta quedará pronto desactivada, favor de dirigir sus correos a christina.parker@hyatt.com
This email address will soon be out of service, please send your emails to christina.parker@hyatt.com
Thank you
To me, this sounds like Andrea is no longer working there, but I have no idea! Does anyone have more information? She didn't tell me anything and I'm pretty angry because this could be my 3rd planner so far since booking this wedding and I was really liking Andrea.
I'm feeling like bridezilla right now. Ugh.
To answer other questions about vendors, we don't want to pay the $500 vendor fee so we've booked everything through Hyatt so far. I am getting airbrush make-up done by VO evolution, but it's super expensive, so I am getting my hair done at the hotel salon + all the bridesmaids will get their hair and make-up done there too. I got my hair trial at the salon and my VO evolution make-up trial done while I was there visiting in June, both went well.