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Everything posted by DivineStarr84

  1. I'm getting married on the 19th will get there on the 17th so we will probably cross paths. Let me know if you need any information DivineStarr84@@gmail.com Im bringing a lot of my own decor from the brochures I've been sent there decor prices are pretty high especially for centerpieces. You can only have family style and buffet on the sky terrace. We wanted our reception on the Sky terrace too but didn't like the menus offered for family style or buffet. Hi, Im so excited to hear about your experience. How did everything go?
  2. That's a great idea for the string lights. We wanted to use those as well but I'm thinking about maybe opting for more candles. My wedding planner did say that the beach bar is well lit. I also think I'm going to do faux flowers as I want flower runners too. I'm actually thinking about making them and bringing them in my luggage. We are using Elvis Alceff as our photographer he was $1600 for 8 hours. Hoping that we can also negotiate the number of room days. Can you send me an email with the table dimensions as well as the dimensions of the beach bar if you have it. I want to figure out my table arrangements. DivineStarr84@@gmail.com
  3. We are in the same boat. I really want our pictures to be amazing. Meanwhile my fiancé is like people can just take pics with their phone lol. I agree that her pricing is extremely reasonable. Keeping my fingers crossed on the convincing. Just trying to find a way around this vendor fee $850 is a lot of money.
  4. Her photos are beautiful !!! I was considering button up photography he also has beautiful work and is very responsive. His 8 hr package is $3,500 which I really don't think is too bad but my Fiance thinks its too much. Have you received anything from Kape photography about pricing? by the way Im a Jersey girl too. Hi Lauren, Can you email me the spa price list DivineStarr84@@gmail.com. I will also be flying out to the Royalton on the 17th maybe we will cross paths.
  5. Hi Ladies, I'm thinking of using an outside photographer has anyone found a way around the vendor fee? Also does anyone have pictures of hair and makeup if so please feel free to email me DivineStarr84@@gmail.com.
  6. Hey Ladies, I'm also getting married at the Royalton in May 2017. The 19th to be exact we are having our ceremony at the Chapel and reception at the Sky terrace. So happy to have found this new thread. The old one seems to have gone dead.
  7. @@jrobbins3 can you please send me some pictures as well DivineStarr84@@gmail.com . My fiancé and I are looking to have around the same number of quest and $8000 sounds amazing.
  8. Hi Ladies, Iam new to the forum my Fiancé and I have booked our wedding for May 19th, 2017. Our ceremony will be in the chapel and reception on the sky terrace (so excited). Can any one recommend a photographer? i am looking for someone who uses the photo journalistic style. Also dj recommendations would be greatly appreciated ( mi fiancé is really big on music). Thanks for all your help in advance. Starr
  9. Hello Ladies, I am new to the Forum. My Fiance and I are looking to get married in May of 2017 and can not decide between Royalton Riviera Cancun and Royalton White sides .I was wondering if someone could also email me (DivineStarr84@@gmail.com) the pdf regarding the wedding packages for white sand .Thanks in advance ladies. p.s. does anyone have any information on the Royalton Blue Water opening in November 2016.
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