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About MrsPerry2017

Profile Information

  • Location
    Philadelphia, PA & Sebring, FL

Wedding Information

  • Wedding Date
    November 05, 2017
  • Wedding Location
    Oasis of the Seas - Port Canaveral

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  1. I can't believe I'm less than a year out from the wedding! We booked it in March/April when they released the dates. We are having an embarkation day wedding on the Oasis of the Seas out of Port Canaveral on November 5, 2017. The ceremony will be held in Dazzles Nightclub. I have been lost in this whole process. I can't seem to find much information for what I'm looking for. I've been scouring the sites since we first booked and I feel like I'm being spun in circles! Things I'm trying to find info for (specifically for embarkation day weddings/Port Canaveral/RCCL): I'm trying to figure out a timeline for my wedding day (time to be at the port, embarkation, wedding time, disembarkation for non-sailing) Transportation for wedding guests from Orlando International to the hotel Photography - I don't think/feel like 3 hours is enough time for all the pictures I want done. I have a list of pictures and I'm sure the photographer will be (hopefully) creative and come up with another list. Can we get 'first look' pictures? Getting ready pictures? I know its a no-no to bring your own, but I can't help but think about it. Its a long story but after what had happened with my dad only a month after my sisters wedding pictures are very very important to me! Invitations - I am doing a traditional pocketfold invitation for the wedding. Has anyone done the traditional pocketfold before? If so what information did you include for your inserts? Are you willing to share pictures? I love the idea of the boarding pass/passport invites but I don't feel they are for us. Decorations - How much does the cruise line provide? Has anyone gone all out for their wedding? Is an aisle runner worth it? Beauty - Does anyone have any/Know of any hair stylists/makeup artists in the Port Canaveral area? I'm looking for someone who would come to the hotel the morning of. Welcome Dinner? OOT Bags? Flowers? Getting everything on the ship?
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