Thanks for the feedback @@Tighev! You looked beautiful!
I just received the response from my email (3 weeks exactly) and I was informed I now have Ariana as my coordinator too. I feel like I was really straight forward with my questions, but she really didn't answer some of them, so I hope you ladies can help.
I asked her what reception venues are NOT available on a Saturday, and she just said none have been booked yet. I think I remember reading that some aren't available certain days. Does anyone know off the top of their head which ones aren't?
Another thing I asked was the cost of additional boutonnieres, to which she didn't respond at all. I know they will probably vary on price for what you pick, but what are you guys getting quoted? She did say the bridesmaids bouquets would be $75 a piece.
A lot of things she just referred me to other people to answer, so it looks like I will be sending more emails today!