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Everything posted by sgleba25

  1. Did you ever end up ordering these anchor bags? I bought these ones (http://www.orientaltrading.com/large-white-anchor-tote-bags-a2-14_2070.fltr?Ntt=anchor%20bag) and I love them! I didn't want to spend too much on them since I would be filling them with a lot of stuff, so they were perfect!
  2. How did your wedding reception go here? I will be having mine on 10/10/15!
  3. About how far down was the nice beach? We are leaving in 2 weeks for reef coco beach. Last time we came to PDC, we stayed at Ocean Maya Royale and walked down to a lagoon - we would love to find something like that again!
  4. I would love information if you have it! I am getting married there in 2 weeks on Saturday and I still don't know what I am doing. I am having a difficult time being able to plan the actual ceremony and figure out if we will be doing a rehearsal and having any music! Thanks! The catholic chapel in Playa del Carmen was very strict on the documents that they needed. So I am not sure that they would be willing to do a blessing. We needed to have copies of our baptism, my confirmation, witness statements, and a document called a marriage transfer license that said that our church gave permission to have us be married in their church. Surprisingly, that was the most difficult document because my church in the US had never heard of this document before.
  5. Hi! I am actually having a Catholic wedding at the chapel on 5th avenue in Playa del Carmen on October 10 this year! It was definitely difficult to plan it, but I am beyond grateful that we dediced to do it! If you need any advice, let me know and I would be more than willing to help you!!
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