@@Barcelo2016 @@TaraW
Wowzers...I did not even know that was an option What phase of planning does that come in? Our ceremony is at 6:00pm, so having the trees lit would be amazing!
On a side note, my WC is Abraham and he seems great, except for his response time. The last emailed or communication I received from him was January 16th. What have you all found to be the "normal" turnaround time for responses? I have been around this forum enough to know that they do take some time but I feel that 3 weeks is a bit extreme!!
Also, how have you all kept your ideas, visions, etc., organized so you can remember everything? LOL I have Pinterest board, I have a binder, I have this forum, etc., but I can't seem to get everything together so that I can truly plan things out.
Thanks for the insight ladies