Hello fellow brides/brides to be,
I've been browsing through this site and have found it incredibly informative and useful.
I would be extremely grateful if someone could shed some light on the questions/concerns I have.
I am currently in the initial stages of organising my 2016 wedding in the Riviera Maya. I will be travelling all the way from Europe with my family (approx. 15 of us), some friends might join us but this is not a certainty as of yet.
Initially I wanted to get married at the Grand Palladium, I love this resort. It was our first big holiday together as a couple and the resort itself is beautiful. I know my family would love it! Upon checking the difference wedding packages on offer by the Palladium and the Moon Palace I am noticing that the Palladium seems to be more expensive in terms of packages. The Moon Palace seems to offer more "free" stuff ie the Complimentary Package. Also, the dinner and the cocktail hour appears to be free; I would only need to pay for guests not travelling with the same Tour Operator as myself and for any extra hours. The music system is also a separate charge.
I have been emailing back and forth and as most of you know whilst they are very helpful communication is delayed and at times not entirely clear. I was hoping someone could give me any advise or tips.
Thank you.