I was ready to scrap the AHR all together. FI is the one who really wants it. So, we are having it. Now I have started thinking about when/where/how. We will be having it at his fire department probably early November. We won't be back from Mexico until late October and if we go past the second week of November now we are getting into the holidays which we don't want. And after November I feel like I'd have to push all the way until March, April or May to avoid Pittsburgh snow.
So, we are decorating, hiring a DJ, bringing in a caterer, etc. I am wearing my dress (when else will I get to wear it ever in my life? I might wear it on the plane home!) I want to do a cake cutting but the ONLY reason for that is that FI is a firefighter (hence the fire hall) and I found this REALLY cute engraved fire ax cake cutter on Etsy. I obviously can't take an ax on the plane to Mexico so my only time to use it will be at home. We will probably do the first dance again because I feel like it opens the floor to everyone dancing but we most likely won't do the dances with our parents again (or maybe we will, I'm being VERY laid back). Speeches probably won't happen because they were already given once. And lets be honest, our friends don't care about the speeches. The speeches are for us and our families from the people who wrote them. We heard them already. I say do whatever you want! It's your party!