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Everything posted by CaroV

  1. Hi! I have a bit of a dilemma. Months ago I sent my boss and his wife the Save the Date and he replied that they couldn't make it. Should I still send them an invitation? I've done extensive research on this matter and I still don't have an answer I know some people say that everyone who gets a STD gets an invitation while others say that if a guest has declined you shouldn't send them an invitation (unless they are close friends/family) because it comes across as a gift-grab. Now, I really like both of them (yes, seriously) so I don't want them to feel like I neglected sending the invitation and coming across as impolite but on the other hand I really don't want to come across as asking for gifts, I mean, he is my boss after all!!! What do I do??? Thank you!
  2. Hi! Is anyone here going to the BDR this week? I'd love to meet some of you there!
  3. Hi, Just wondering if any Azul Fives brides will be going to the BDR this week? I'm on my way to the airport and would love to see some of you there I'm so excited!
  4. We have a confirmed time and date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are getting married on April 6, 2016 at 2:00 pm at Azul Fives! I'm ecstatic I was finally able to get this done. Now the fun part begins YAY!!!!
  5. @@TinkerSofi You have great taste in men Ok. I've asked my TA about what to do regarding our move. We'll see what she says
  6. @@acastello2 You really need to double check with the hotel. As far as I know catholic ceremonies can only be performed in churches and chapels. @@TinkerSofi wait, Colombia? I'm Colombian!!!
  7. @@snswedding2016 thank you! That's good to know. To answer your question we would be flying out of the US but most of our guests (60 - 70%) will be flying out of Canada. Should I work with two TAs to get packages for my Canadian and US guests? The problem is that most of the TAs require a deposit from the couple so it doesn't make sense to put down two deposits
  8. @@Layla79 @@TinkerSofi @ashhtayy Thank you so much for your responses. Can you please tell me which TA you are working with? We are planning a May 2016 wedding and I was told that by May prices should start to go down because it's considered "shoulder season". Also, for the US brides, which TA are you guys using? There is a very high probability that we might be moving to the US in the next couple of months so I need to figure out what to do! I can use a Canadian TA and book / hold everything now or wait until we move and do everything then, but I kind of want to get a date soon! Thoughts???
  9. Hi ladies, We are planning our wedding for May 2016 and have about 50 - 60 guests joining us and after a lot of research and spreadsheets comparisons I'm 90% on board with the Azul Fives. My only concern is that I don't think we are getting a great deal. Our packages came in at $2,000 from Calgary, and $1,850 from Toronto (1 bedroom suite). Also we are only getting the 21st adult free (hotel only) and no word on free events or anything like that. I mentioned it to my TA but she said that they don't have any offers at the moment. I also checked their website but it looks like the free events and bride and groom stay for free are only available to US residents and in the case of the free events it is only available if you get married from June 1st to December 22nd (so, for hurricane season only) We live in Canada so I think it is very unfair that Canadian brides don't get these offers. Has anyone had better luck? What TA are you using?
  10. @@kimmyd2 I'm so happy I'm not alone! I'm actually on week 15 now, I finished the whole guide and I'm now on week 3 of round two I feel your pain. The first few weeks were the hardest because you are still trying to find a way to balance everything. But once you have that part figured out it gets much easier which is probably why I haven't felt the need to join a bootcamp or anything like that. Once I'm through with round 2 I will go for BBG 2.0 but at that point in time I will need to join a gym because it requires a lot more equipment. Another tip that might help is to think of your work out as something you get to do for yourself, not as something else on your to do list. I find this approach helps me stay focused. Also, I found a great motivator were my progress pictures. Did you take your week 0 pictures? Seeing my own (undeniable) progress gave me more than enough motivation to keep me going. Also I created an account on instagram (caritobbg) to track my progress. I did this for two reasons: 1. Accountability and 2. Inspiration. There are thousands of girls around the world who are doing the program so it feels like we are all in this together. Everyone is supportive and willing to help and I love seeing everyone's progress because it's further proof that it works Lastly, once you've been doing the program for a while you will start to notice a lot of additional benefits that you weren't expecting. For example, I ran a 10k two weeks ago and beat my personal record by 5 minutes without much training! I was shocked! I was going for just being under my previous time but as I started the race and got into my rhythm and checked my pace I realized I could do it. I was ecstatic! Other things like being able to carry or move things on your own or walk for hours while sightseeing without thinking about it are just a couple of other additional benefits I've noticed. I know it's a bit of a long answer, but I just want you to know that you can do this. I have never been fit or athletic before in my life. I have always been thin but I've come to realize that thin and fit are two very different things. I couldn't even do a push up when I started! So I know that if I can do it, anyone can To answer your question, we are planning our wedding for May 2016 so still a long time from now. I'm still in the process of selecting a venue which has been a bit overwhelming How's planning going on your side? Caro
  11. @@FutureMrsGarcia and @ Thank you so much. That definitely puts me at ease with this option I was wondering, is a site visit necessary? Every blog/magazine/book/website seems to highly recommend a site visit but I'm wondering how many brides actually do it. I have yet to hear anything back from my contact at palace resorts so I was wondering if any of you could share their price lists for additional decorations and stuff.... Do they have one? Thanks again
  12. Hi ladies, I hope I'm in the right place. I'm seriously considering the Beach Palace as my venue (in part thanks to @perianjay) but I really really want to get married on the beach (grew up on one, fiance proposed on one, need to get married on one). However, I've noticed that most of the brides getting married at BP chose the sky bar for the ceremony. Is there something wrong with the beach? Is it too crowded? Not private enough? Or just not very nice? Thanks in advance, this is kind of a deal breaker for me.
  13. @@JenniferH114 Thank you for taking the time to describe the reasons why you chose ERC. It is honestly all very helpful Is it really only $45 per additional guest and it includes everything??? That's crazy! You are right, I've seen a few price lists and they charge for napkins, chairs, candles, flowers etc + setting up costs + food + alcohol.... I haven't added it all up because I might just decide to elope! Have you received detailed information regarding prices for additional services: music, decor, flowers, etc.? Do they offer any perks such as additional nights / upgrades or events depending on how many guests join you? How have they been in terms of communication? I have yet to hear back from them (or any one else for that matter) and it is starting to get very frustrating Thank God you gals are here to answer all my questions! @@Moments That Matter & @@Matt Adcock thank you for your suggestions! Since you seem to be experts on the matter I though I would ask you a couple of questions. As I mentioned before I want pictures on the beach with the beautiful blue and turquoise waters as the background. However, in some of the pictures I've seen the colors don't translate quite as bright on the pictures and they turn up with the colors being a bit dull. I'm just wondering if there are any factors that have an impact on the color of the water. Is it the lighting? The location? I just don't understand why some pictures look kind of meh and others look amazing even when taken at the same spot. Also, how important is the actual beach in getting those amazing pictures? Is it really worth it to go to a place with a better / nicer beach in order to get better pictures? Or do I just need a very talented and experienced photographer? Thanks in advance, I hope my questions make sense and they are not to silly
  14. Thank you @@JenniferH114. We actually stayed at Excellence Playa Mujeres two weeks ago and I loved it! (that's where he proposed!) but I didn't love the beach, it had a lot of seagrass and I don't think it would look great in pictures. Does ERC have a nice beach? Do you know how much they charge per additional guest? I registered on their website but haven't heard anything from them so far. I read somewhere that it is a bit older than EPM and that it is starting to look a bit dated. Is there any night life close by? EPM didn't have a club and it was pretty far away from everything else (35 minutes drive to Cancun) so it wouldn't be great for those who want to go out and party or that want to stay at a different resort but want to join us for the events. Thank you so much for your help! @@KatieMcBride Thank you! I will definitely look into it! I like that their package includes 40 people! (Dreams is 20 and Palace is 30) so that's a big plus! Do you know how much they charge for additional person? @@BecomingaRiggio Thank you. Yes, distance to the clubs is a concern for sure, no one wants to do 45 minutes on a cab each way! I will look into Azul sensatori (what a lovely name)! Thanks for your help
  15. Thank you @, I still feel like I need to get going. One of the hotels I was looking at is now fully booked for April 2016!
  16. @@ashhtayy OMG seriously? My wedding is about the same size as yours and same timing! Officially freaking out now!
  17. So, I recently got engaged and it's been an amazing couple of weeks sharing the news with our friends and family. However, I have a couple of friends and cousins whose reactions have been less than sympathetic. I'm not going to lie, it kind of hurts. Did anyone experience this as well? How did you deal with it? In my case it's been 4 people in particular: 2 really close friends and potential bridesmaids (not friends with one another) who are still single. I get the feeling that being single is playing a part in their reaction but c'mon! If it was the other way around I would have been thrilled for them! And I have other single friends who are truly excited for me. So, what gives? Now, for my cousins, we are about the same age, grew up together. I moved away 7 years ago and they have been distant since. I try to reach out to them often and whenever I go back home I try to see them. But it is always me making an effort. And I feel like relationships are a two way street. Don't you? Anyway, since I got engaged I haven't heard anything from them. Like, what the heck???? It just leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. For different reasons I consider these four people to be special to me and now I don't know if I should even bother with inviting them to the wedding, let alone being part of the wedding party. Any thoughts???
  18. I'm a April - May 2016 bride. Got engaged two weeks ago and we are looking at a wedding in Cancun - Riviera Maya. Just started to look at venues but I feel like I'm late already! Am I????
  19. Hi I recently got engaged and I was wondering if any one else on the forum is following Kayla Itsiness' BBG program! I started early January so I'm on week 11 now. But now that I'm engaged I feel like I need to keep it up until the wedding so that I can be on the best shape of my life for that day! The only downside is that we all have busy lives so doing the program was taking a big chunk of my free time and now I get to add to all of that planning a wedding! Overwhelmed doesn't even start to describe it! So, I figured, I couldn't be the only one in this situation and thought I could reach out to my fellow bbgbrides so that we can support one another. As I mentioned before, I'm on week 11 and as I'm almost done with the program I don't know what to do next to keep it up? BBG 2.0? or a second round of BBG 1.0? Has anyone finished the program already? What are you doing to stay in shape? Hope to hear from you soon!
  20. Hi everyone This is my first post after lurking for a couple of weeks. My fiance and I got engaged two weeks ago and I'm starting the process of planning our wedding. I think we both share the same vision for our day: Closest friends and family, beach wedding, relaxed feeling. We are hoping to get married April - May 2016 in Cancun / Riviera Maya. Our guest list is at 65 people now. I'm thinking we could have as many as 50 - 60 guests join us. Our guests will be traveling from all over the world (Europe, South America, Canada, U.S) so we needed a place that would be easy to reach and would offer lots of options for our guests. So I've been doing some research online and I can say I'm extremely overwhelmed by the number of options and different elements that play into the decision. Like I'm getting headaches from it LOL! So I thought I would ask you to help me make this decision. The following are some of our priorities: Gorgeous beach: We want to get married on the beach and I want stunning pictures, also a lot of our guests will be visiting for the first time and don't want to take them to a meh beach Food: My fiance and I are both foodies so good quality food and options are important to us Family vs adults only: Honestly, I would prefer an adults only resort. Our guests are mostly young and single (no children) and our parents and rest of our family all have grown up children. Not a deal breaker though Location: As I mentioned before, we have several single, young guests so I feel like we should be close to the action so that they can go party if they want to. Or if the resort has a club that would work as well! Bang for our buck: Because obviously.... So far I found that the Palace resorts offer great perks while Dreams try to nickel and dime you on everything. Any other suggestions? I would also like to do a site visit but feel like I should narrow it down to 3 options before making arrangements for it. Thanks in advance!!!
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