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Everything posted by JoannaBanana

  1. Okay! Inspired by @@yycbride2016 I got myself a ring box. I'm hoping to transform it from this little plain box to something like this white washed distressed version.
  2. Okay, now that I'm getting closer to my number I'm going to start planning. I'll probably do between 50-60 of everything as I think I'm going to land just a little under/over that 50 mark. So I made myself a list of things to start. - Buttons/pins - I was thinking of us all boarding the plane and I thought it would be fun to have something that identifies as part of the same group. Maybe I'll make some buttons. I'm still considering this. - Locate decent canvas beach totes - One per room? - Design a Yearbook style Who-is-Who package/map/itinerary etc - Get badge holders and lanyards for room key holders - Custom shot glasses for table markers/gift - Finally pull my colour scheme together rather than my vague mental image of "orange and bright but not crazy bright....." - Figure out what else I could do on my budget! Oh right... and that dress situation....
  3. May 12th, it's in the thread title! [emoji14] I don't actually have a travel agent, I deal directly with ACV. I'm hoping my agent doesn't fight us... Dress hinting I will admit I'm putting off for several reasons. I plan on TTC soon, and I'm kinda hoping to be pregnant by then. If I'm not pregnant then I hope I lose weight. I know.... I can't plan for the unknown and I should really just go buy a dress. I work 6 days a week though (2 jobs). Additionally I plan on going rather casual on the dress style.
  4. Okay guys. I'm officially worried. ACV just told me that since I used up my block of 30 seats that she has to give me a new quote!!! I was totally under the impression that as long as there was still room on the plane that my guests would be honored that price until our deadline October 19. I'm waiting for her response but I'm scared! I told most people October 1 was the deadline but then yesterday I went texting around and told a few people that no no we have to the 19th. I think there's only one family I need to concern myself with, but the ones I haven't heard from could be in for a shock too.... Ugh.... Here's hoping she honors the original quote, or the new one is comparable.
  5. I'm getting a little scared and excited. We have 33 booked and about 20 who one way or another are probably coming. This is turning in to something of a beast, and I really never thought we'd have this many. Money is a concern, though I did get a quote for 50 and we were okay with it. Excited to be close to a tally though so I can start planning my DIY stuff.
  6. So I have officially passed the 10 room (free package) requirement. I actually have 12, but my sister is single occupancy (for now) and I'm not sure if the Bride & Groom's room counts. 28 seats booked on the plane! More to come! So excited! Do you think I'm behind on planning? I have no dress, no centerpieces, no plan! LOL. Just guests and a venue! I'm not worried yet, I think I'm just holding off for numbers. Today is a good day, Sean will be going to get my matching wedding band. This was not without it's own drama. I got my ring from a travelling show. They go from store to store with stock that isn't in the store's regular inventory. So you can only get to see them about every other month on ONE DAY! So Sean went in on this last event and they did NOT have my matching band. He sent me two pictures of "similar" bands and they looked NOTHING like my ring. I was having a little bit of a secret internal meltdown. I didn't want to look at my ring every day for the rest of my life mismatched and knowing that I lost it's mate. Later in the day Sean finally mentions "oh well they did say you can order it.... but it's full price - it's not part of the sale." Well that's crucial information! I got on the phone right away and it took a few days of going back and forth. I haggled my way down to 35% off. Ha! So we should have it in our possession Tuesday. Even though we're legal I'm not going to wear it until after Mexico, same with the name change.
  7. PM sent. I booked 5-6 and my ceremony is at 5. I got the basic package. According to the internet sunset should be at 7ish for May. I think that should work!
  8. I wish I could stage an intervention. Maybe next time we're hanging out with friends I'll bring it up and let them pounce.
  9. Well in total I've gained 9 so that Michael's needs to hip hop!
  10. So I've gained three pounds since we started this thread. LOL. I finally went for a morning walk today and I kept my food on point yesterday. I could feel my knees bothering me yesterday which happens when I'm too chunky. We're not going down that path again friends.
  11. Where are you from? I got a sweet deal directly through Air Canada Vacations because my sister works for the airline. My next best option was Tracy from Romantic Planet. Check her out if you're in Canada/Ontario. My ACV rep is telling me that I can only get upgraded to bulkhead seats. What a rip!
  12. @@calgarybride2015 I read one review that said after the shows are over there isn't too much atmosphere at the resort. That there is only really the lobby bar, and they don't play music. What do you think of that statement? Not that I'm overly concerned - my group is large enough to entertain ourselves!
  13. Forgot to show you guys! My good friends and witnesses got us these matching Bubbas with my new name and wedding date.
  14. @@emjay84 @@Caddya I got a response from Adriana about the lights! LOL, she said she just found my email today (from August 25) LOL! She says NO you cannot change the colour of the lights.
  15. I sent an email asking, but do you guys know if they have cribs available for people with young babies? And Kim! Don't be sorry! LOL
  16. We are neighbors. I live right by Sherway too. Worse is that I work right in Heartland by the Michael's there.
  17. So we're having our first major planning conflict. I have set up everything to be palapa + BBQ Beach menu. Now Sean is telling me he doesn't want TABLES??? He just wants standing cocktail type stands. Really??? Neither one of us was budging in our conversation. How can you have a dinner without tables and chairs??? We're going to have children and babies and ...WTF! LOL, I'm sorry I'm not changing it. I basically know that anyone we talk to is going to agree with me, and I'm going to let him hear other people say it to him.
  18. This was me asking around about lighting. I never got a proper answer from Adriana. She told me, yes different colour fabrics can be added for an extra charge.". I said I think you misunderstand my question and rephrased, but she never answered my question. So if you find out please please report your findings. Sound system rental is confirmed gone by Adriana. DJ only. Or DIY.
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