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Everything posted by JoannaBanana

  1. @@beckys98 Ha, you can do it like the Oscars and have the music cued and ready to cut them off when their time is up.
  2. A little late to this party, but no! It's not frowned upon. I think we must have asked 6x before we were assured that yes indeed you can swim in the pool at night. They even brought us champagne one night! That was my favorite thing about this resort. Everywhere else I've been they kick you out if you try. We spent almost all of our late evenings in the pool. Edit: can't remember going in the ocean at night
  3. I just wanted to share a story about these Reef sandals. My FI swears by these, and has several pairs. But he is most fascinated by the ones with the bottle opener, BOY does he think that's the bees knees. Well the practicality of such footwear was never put to the test. Until one moonlit night on the beach while staying at the Majestic Colonial for our friend's DW. We met another couple there on the beach with beer we had brought from our room fridge. Oh. But how to open such a bottle? These were not twist offs. This was his moment. The sandals! Ok.... have you ever looked at the bottom of a sandal?? A sandal with a bottle opener on the bottom also useful for prying all manner of poop and discarded gum in to it's metal clutches? Uh ya, we all rejected that idea with the swiftness. No was that shoe was touching anything that would go in to my mouth. LOL! Great sandals, exceedingly comfortable, fun conversation piece. But NOT a practical bottle opener. Our friend opened the beer with his lighter and the sandals remained untested.
  4. See, we're already learning. Marriage is about strategy when you have a stubborn man.
  5. I have a stubborn one too. Not in this way, but in his own ways. If it were me I would keep pressing the point. Some might call that nagging. Well, we pick and choose our battles. I think this one is worth fighting. Also there's a way of executing one's nagging. I would find a bunch of nice watches online in his price point and keep presenting them to him to select.
  6. I went to one destination wedding and it took me a long time to settle on a dress that I thought would be cool enough for the heat, yet "nice" enough for a wedding. My instructions were "get something you'll wear again. " Any excuse for shopping is fun though.
  7. I'm adopting what someone said here. "Whatever you would wear to a nice restaurant." Of course when my mother asked and I told her this she needed clarification. "A restaurant here or down there?" Ha! I think it still gets the point across.
  8. It's his too though, I'm only thinking of him. Actually he probably doesn't really care..
  9. Soooo... I contacted another TA, I just can't bring myself in to focus here. Please tell me picking the resort is the hard part! Colours too. As mentioned I'm starting to think these colours are all too girly and thinking of going with more orange. I'm considering going more orange as we both love the colour. Not the best picture of me, but for comedy here's a shot with FI after I caught a friend's bouquet in September 2013.
  10. @@SteeleTheSpotlight Ha! Give your man a hi5 for me, glad I gave you a laugh. I like your colours, I originally put together this:
  11. First of all, I want you to know I'm enjoying your thread and there's a real possibility that I steal your colours. [emoji13] But I have to say, I'm siding with your man here! I see OOT bags as a fun gesture and yours are getting to be a very full bag. The logistics of getting it all down there, and then the expense that your man objects to. Okay maybe I'm cheap. Ok I know I'm cheap. But I think your guests will be more than thrilled with the current contents and adding more isn't necessary. That said if you can get him to agree with the expense and the extra baggage then carry on!
  12. @@TinkerSofi Your nerdiness is showing! Muhahahah he's in trouble now! I just googled "hinged rings" and this IS a thing! Okay, so this one is $2000 and probably not the best investment considering. But it's good to know such a thing exists. I just have to find a reasonable one now and figure out what size his finger is... somehow...
  13. I did, it's a wonder I didn't dream of destination weddings all night long!
  14. I agree Lisa, that's my plan. Squirrel away some money and try to figure out which watch it is that he wants.
  15. This is us BTW. Isn't he cute! <3 So last night I spent what felt like hours watching Youtube tours of hotels. I highly recommend this for people who are unsure of a resort. I think it ruled out any of the Rius for me to be honest. The pools are just SO SMALL! Grand Riviera Princess may be a little worn around the edges, and probably too much walking, but overall I think it delivers on more points for me so far.
  16. @@Lia33 this crossed my mind too. I love the idea of barefoot sandals, but they might not be practical. I may go with simple flats.
  17. I have a friend who did her own with high quality makeup and she looked great. I've had my makeup done a few times and sometimes you come out looking like someone else. There is a good argument for learning to do it yourself.
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