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Everything posted by Jenn04

  1. Whoops, sorry! I thought this thread was for Cabo San Lucas. I'm from Ohio in the U.S. and am planning a vacation in Cabo, Mexico for next winter. I'm meeting with a wedding planner when we go there next month to pick a location and what not. I'm just trying to get some ideas of my own so we can plan most of the wedding when we are in Cabo next month. It seems to be tricky planning a small wedding because we are limited on what we can do but I'm hoping to get some great ideas! Thank you!
  2. Hi! I'm loving this website and am getting excited to start planning! I have contacted Illeana to meet with her this February to help pick out sites for our wedding in 2016. My fiance and I are not only paying for the whole wedding, but we are also paying for 4 of my family members to attend so, we are trying to save money as much as we can. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what to do with 10-12 people for a reception?? It's a small group so a DJ and dance floor is not ideal because only like half of the group would even consider dancing! Hah..my fiance recommended going somewhere public so there's other people around and it won't be awkward with just 12 people alone. Any ideas on what to do or where to go?? We're open to anything! Thank you in advance!!
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