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Everything posted by erinlhansen

  1. Hey everyone! I have been looking at this sight for months, getting ideas for our wedding, thankyou! We are getting married on jan 27, 2016 at playa Azul. Its helpful to hear that everyone else hardly hears from their wedding coordinator because I don't think ive heard from them since may or so! I figure that what we don't figure out before hand, we can talk about in the 3 days we are there before the wedding. The last thing we talked about is where we would like our dinner (and I don't even remember where that is, its been so long) , we are doing the blueberry package since we are having a reception back home. We have about 25 adults coming and 5 kids, cant wait!! We are doing some sort of welcome bag, no favors though, I think the welcome bag is enough. I think a welcome dinner at the buffet is a good idea! We are having a dinner back home before hand before we leave on the trip so everyone can meet eachother and people can ask questions if they want and its Mexican themed of course! My fiances sister does hair and make up, so that's who I am having and then also we have a friend who is coming that has done photography for a bit, so she is going to take our pictures. We are trying to save as much as we can! Its tough paying for both of our kids and then ourselves....hair, make up and other stuff get put on the back burner! I wish everyone good luck with the rest of their planning!! Try not to stress about the details, its tuff, but its only one day! I guess maybe I say that cause its my second marriage and you realize that your wedding is just one day that you stress about forever and then its done! Enjoy the moments of your wedding day
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