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About ShawnJC1

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  1. Hi, My friend is having a destination wedding in Mexico in late spring 2015. I have known him for over 10 years and consider him a very good friend. As we were talking about his wedding, he said that he'd have no problem with me bringing a significant other to the resort (I'm in a relatively new relationship) but that she couldn't come to the ceremony. He said this "matter-of-factly" as though it wasn't a huge deal. To me that seems kind of cheesy that you would say that I could bring my significant other with me but that she won't be able to go to the ceremony. I'm paying for flight, resort, all-inclusive fee for two people and then she can't accompany me to the ceremony on the resort grounds? Is he wrong here or am I? It's not a huge deal but I was wondering what the etiquette is here? Thanks!
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