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Everything posted by Janjin

  1. Hi ladies - I'm new to the boards and am just starting to plan our wedding. We are thinking Nov. 14, 2015 and are still deciding on a resort in Mexico. Reading your updates has me both excited and stressed!! Really have to hurry and pick a resort and work on those STDs. Question - did you guys visit the resorts before making a final decision? I'm scared to pull the trigger without seeing the place in person but with the holidays and work, the earliest I can get to Mexico is at the end of Jan. Do you think that's too late to the process started? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hi ladies!! I'm in the early stages of planning our wedding and Azul Sensatori is resort we are seriously considering. Can you guys tell me what made you pic this resort? Are there any 'pitfalls' I should be aware of?? There are soon many resorts to pick from that I'm a little overwhelmed!! Thanks in advance!!
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