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Everything posted by michellemanoogian

  1. are the burlap banner still left? id like the mr and mrs and love sign
  2. i slightly agree with mom enjoy being married, at least for a year , just to spend time together with the new meaning of the relationship. its something youll never get back. no need to rush
  3. maid of honor troubles

  4. @@cfinkenbine !! a matron and a maid of honor! i could have both!!!! that would be perfect ! that way i can have the matron by my side!!!!
  5. HELP!i think i picked the wrong maid of honor my best friend of 12 years was less than excited when i told her i got engaged.. in fact he didnt want to talk to me about it untill two weeks after. fast forward to my engagement party.. where she forgot to bring her dessert she said she would bring, showed up two hours late, and stayed for all of MAYBE an hour. When i asked her why she left so early she said she was tire it was hot and a long list of excuses.. on the flip side, my very close friend and soon to be sister in law (whom ive known for about 6 years) is more than estatic about the wedding and has been so involved in everything. in fact, she threw the engagement party for us. i tried telling my best friend that i think it would be better if she were just a breidmaid and she refused and said only my actual sister should do it (not my sister in law). the conversation never really finished..just got more awkward.. keep in mind my sister also thinks my sister in law she be the MOH becasue shes older than my little sis (whos only 19) and is married and knows how these things work. now i have a dress fitting where they will all be and i want to make sure that my sister in law is the new maid of honor. she already knows whats going on with all this and has basically accepted.. how do i tell my first maid of honor that i just want her to be a bridesmaid?! HELP PLEASE
  6. HELP!i think i picked the wrong maid of honor my best friend of 12 years was less than excited when i told her i got engaged.. in fact he didnt want to talk to me about it untill two weeks after. fast forward to my engagement party.. where she forgot to bring her dessert she said she would bring, showed up two hours late, and stayed for all of MAYBE an hour. When i asked her why she left so early she said she was tire it was hot and a long list of excuses.. on the flip side, my very close friend and soon to be sister in law (whom ive known for about 6 years) is more than estatic about the wedding and has been so involved in everything. in fact, she threw the engagement party for us. i tried telling my best friend that i think it would be better if she were just a breidmaid and she refused and said only my actual sister should do it (not my sister in law). the conversation never really finished..just got more awkward.. keep in mind my sister also thinks my sister in law she be the MOH becasue shes older than my little sis (whos only 19) and is married and knows how these things work. now i have a dress fitting where they will all be and i want to make sure that my sister in law is the new maid of honor. she already knows whats going on with all this and has basically accepted.. how do i tell my first maid of honor that i just want her to be a bridesmaid?! HELP PLEASE
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