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Everything posted by Shipwrecked2015

  1. Not sure that we're renting anything from Love & Lace yet - possibly signs, baskets, napkins, and/or birdcage type things. I just know that she has lots of candle and centerpiece items and she seems well-versed in renting to clients who want to avoid outside vendor fees. We're getting our centerpieces and flowers from Cherry Blossom in Playa. Sandra has been great and their prices are excellent compared to other vendors we've seen in the area. We're bringing down our own tea candles for the centerpieces since they're $3.99 for a bag of 100 at Ikea and they have to pay WAY more than that locally. Cherry Blossom might do the off-property handoff thing but I'm not sure because it's not an issue for us. It's worth asking.
  2. We've been talking to Katy at Love & Lace Decor in Playa. Look them up on Facebook and look at her albums to see items for rent. You can pick up items from her off of the property and bring them in on your own. Saves you from having to pack them or pay a vendor fee.
  3. Looking at this again, I don't believe this is a standard font. Notice how the 2 "a"'s in "Salad", the 2 "e"'s at the end of "entree" and the 2 "s"'s in "dessert" are not identical? If this were a font, all of the letters of the same kind would look the same. In this case, the stationery designer probably either lettered this by hand then scanned it or they input it directly into the computer with a Waco tablet. But if you go to or 1001fonts.com (select keywords like "handwritten" and "script") or dafont.com (select script > handwritten) you might find something similar that will work for you. On both sites you can type in your specific text (like "menu") and it will show you that text in the various fonts. Good luck!
  4. Thanks for all of the insight everybody! @@acw271011 is right, I am indeed a groom. My future bride is less interested in these kinds of details. Her forte is making the guests happy and making everything look great! It sounds like there isn't a good reason to not get prices on our own, besides the idea that it may indicate a lack of trust on our part towards the potential WC. I definitely agree that trust is very important. To be perfectly honest, the first planner that asked us not to contact places on our own was somebody that we do not trust very much. It was in an area that doesn't do many weddings and she didn't have a ton of experience, so we were wary of her from the start. But we were still considering her because a coordinator with boots on the ground may be better than no coordinator at all, even if we had to keep close tabs on her. As for the other wedding planner who said this to us, we actually like her a lot. In fact, we like her so much that she's the reason we put the RM area back on our list after initially dismissing it. So we do trust her, but I think we still need to make sure we're safe. There's too much money on the line to just cross our fingers and hope we've placed our trust in the right person. The question mostly came up because we have a site visit planned very soon but don't have a contract finalized with a WC yet. We are trying to figure out on our own if we can either rule any places out or put them at the top of our site visit list based on price alone. So the main goal has been getting information as soon as possible, even if the WC may be able to get lower numbers in future negotiations. Second to that is, yes, a desire to know if we are going to end up paying less on our own than with a WC because the venue will pay the WC a commission or something like that... To @@TAkathy's point, if we get a price directly from one boutique hotel or beach club and the WC comes back with a price for the same venue that's 10% less or includes more for the same price, that will certainly build our trust in the WC! If the price for the venue comes back higher from the WC, then I'll be wondering why we aren't going to the venue directly. Also, in our case our agreement is set up so that we'll be making payments directly to the venue and vendors, so we will see the individual contract and pricing for each. Thanks again, all!
  5. Hi all! We need some advice and the cumulative wisdom on this forum seems to be enormous, so I'm hoping you can help. We've had a couple of independant wedding coordinators tell us that we should wait for them to get us numbers from various RIviera Maya venues (after we sign a contract with the WC, of course) and not ask for pricing from the venues directly. I guess the theory is that if the wedding venue gives us one price directly - the MSRP so to speak - then it's harder for the WC to get better pricing for us... or something. I'm having a hard time understanding that. I can't see how a venue would be less likely to give a better price to a WC just because they already quoted a higher price directly to the client before the WC was contracted. That's what negotiating is all about. On the other hand, if we, as the client, know what the venue would charge us directly, it would be harder for the WC to put a percentage for themselves on top of that price. In other words, us not getting a price from the venue ourselves gives the WC more power to charge us whatever they think they can get away with. Knowledge is power and all. My question: is there any realistic scenario in which it benefits us, as the client, to NOT ask for pricing from the venues we're interested in before we finalize a contract with a WC? Thanks, all!
  6. Hi all, I've been lurking for a while so I figured it's time I started posting. I don't see a lot of grooms on here, but between my future bride and myself, she's what she calls a family-minded realist who is good at politics, keeping people happy, and making things pretty, while I'm the Type A / creative sort that enjoys researching, planning, DIY, and spreadsheets, so this forum is right up my alley! You guys have some great ideas and insight - I'm in awe of all of the collective wisdom being passed on in these pages! I have some questions that I'll post in the relevant sub-forums, but I wanted to say hello first. Hello.
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