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Everything posted by ritchellrodd

  1. ritchellrodd

    Hi All!

    Hi all. I am Ritchell Rodd from Glasgow. I am an architect. Soon i am getting married and i am glad that i found this forum where i can surely get everything for planning my wedding.
  2. My story is a bit different one. I purchased my wedding dress from a shop that was recommended by my uncle. At the time of purchasing i truly loved the dress. The shop keeper asked for time of about 8 weeks. I agreed to it and finalized it. I showed the picture to my fiance, he also liked it very much. Later, after around 10 weeks when my dress was not delivered, i went to the store and he told me that he would not be able to complete the order on time. I felt so embarressed. I had told my friends about the dress, arriving. Everybody was anxious to see. Later, i realized that i should have atleast enquire about the shop before purchasing. At last i had too cancel the order. As there was very less time left and this time i had to get to the best in the town, i tried an online wedding review sites https://www.guidetobe.co.uk/ for wedding suppliers . After browsing through the site, i filtered out some stores in Glasgow and went to them. At the end i end up getting my dress ready in 3 weeks. the customer review helped me a lot. I just saved my wedding from being spoiled.
  3. Carribean is a best option. thouh they might be bit far from your place but one beautiful place. You will surely love it.
  4. Purchasing your dress this soon is not a good choice. With a year time left you can have new designs of dress in the market. You might like them. Wait for a month or two and then start finalizing.
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