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Everything posted by kfracassi

  1. So if you go to this link: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/73076-official-el-dorado-royaleel-dorado-casitas-royale-thread/?p=1731311 It has all of the private reception areas and what they allow. According to that, you can have the donkey at Tucanes, but I'm not sure how it works or anything.
  2. After going back and forth with photographers, I think I'm going to go with Sarani as well. Thanks @@NickiLynn1116. I'm leaning toward the 8hr package as well. Her photos are absolutely STUNNING. I'm kind of sad for the price it doesn't come with trash the dress as well, but as I'm looking through her site, I see one wedding party at EDR jumped in the pool. I plan on doing the same, because were leaning toward having the reception at the Health Bar or Tucanes.
  3. I am researching photographers, and I was originally going to go with Samuel Luna, unfortunately, he is no longer doing end of the year weddings . So he recommended Playa Weddings. I am also researching Sarani because I know many of you have raved about her. The prices are so expensive though. How long does everyone book photographers. 6hrs? 9hrs? I'm not sure how much time is necessary. I have no problem splurging on pictures since we will be in Mexico, obviously, and we will be saving money in other areas...
  4. @@ChiTiff, I was actually planning on Generations because my fiancees brother was going to bring his two kids, but now we have only adults going, so we were able to decide on EDR. I have the money for the deposit, but I'm waiting until I hear from a travel agency now. I just hope I don't lose my date.
  5. Thank you @@AllieH and @@kmk2016 . I just emailed Wright Travel Agency because I am from Chicago. Should I hold off placing the deposit then until I hear from the travel agency?
  6. So I'm about to put my deposit down for El Dorado Royale Now do most people use travel agents when booking their stays? I just want to make sure my family and friends receive decent deals when booking rooms. What is the best way that you have found to do this?
  7. The more I look at the flowers, the more I realize how much they overprice them. I've read talicea7812's blog (Azul Beach) where she actually used an outside vendor for flowers, but had her fiancee pick them up outside of the resort so they didn't have to pay the outside vendor fee. Has anyone else done this before? I feel like, I'm in Mexico, I'm surrounded by beautiful flowers, I'm not going to go extravagant with anything because of that. But, I would like nice bouquets without paying an arm and a leg...
  8. So, after M-A-N-Y talks with my guests, only one couple is insistent on bringing their kids along. I always had my heart set on AZUL Beach if kids were coming, and then switched to El Dorado when I thought kids weren't coming. I was just wondering if anyone had a "kidless" wedding at Azul Beach and loved it? I'm in-between using Generation Riviera Maya/El Dorado for the wedding and Azul Beach. I just need to actually choose a location so I can move forward with planning. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  9. I'm in the process of creating my "list" of who will be invited to the wedding and shower. I was wondering what the etiquette is for inviting people to the bridal shower. For a typical wedding in my family, we invite EVERYONE, my parents cousins and aunts, etc., and then these people would obviously be invited to the wedding. Now for a destination wedding, we only plan on inviting close relatives, so does that mean these are the only ones I should invite to the bridal shower as well? When we come back we still plan on having a "reception" party, a couple months after the wedding where we will invite anyone and everyone (distant relatives and all). Any suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Thanks everyone. I think I'm pretty much set on beach ceremony, and then have my reception at the pier. The pictures are beautiful. Now I just have to actually put a deposit down. Have any of your girls gone to the brides dress rehearsal. My fiancee and I want to go, but I think we may have to put down the deposit first and then go on the dress rehearsal afterward. Has anyone done that? I know it kind of defeats the purpose, but I don't really have any other option.
  11. @@AllieH, Thank you so much for that! It gives me a way better idea of what I can do . Now, the best man is saying he will be bringing his two kids, so now I'm looking at doing the GMR/EDR combination, which is not what I really wanted, but it's right next door, so hopefully everything will workout still. I know there are some brides on this thread that are doing this as well. Any advice? I have joined the GMR thread as well, it just seems that there is less info regarding this resort vs the others that have been around longer.
  12. I was planning on a wedding at EDR, but now it looks like the best man is bringing his kids, so I'm now looking into the Generations/EDR combo. I have no clue about the reception locations for Generations. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks
  13. Hello all, my fiancee and I have been hard set on a destination wedding in mexico since we started talking about engagement 2 or so years ago. Well, we are now engaged and finally beginning to plan. Originally, we wanted a wedding without kids, but then it seemed like everyone wanted kids there so we were planning on Azul Beach. Well, now we are back to no kids... unfortunately I have not seen a lot of what El Dorado has to offer. I will begin searching this thread, but I was wondering what are the best places for receptions? Thanks guys. Kristen
  14. Your blog is so helpful! It's definitely helping me figure out exactly what I need to accomplish while planning my own destination wedding. I'm such a perfectionist and organizing freak, I know it will be a hassle when dealing with these coordinators.
  15. Thanks Malika. I think after searching different destinations, Mexico makes the most sense. Now it's between Azul Beach and El Dorado depending on if our immediate family prefers to bring their children or not. I did peruse the lomas prices and they do seem quite outrageous, especially when you can buy linen for way cheaper here!
  16. Hello everyone. I have been VERY interested in having a wedding at Azul beach ever since my fiancee and I started talking about engagement and marriage. However, the things that make me very nervous are the outside vendor fees as well as the difficulty everyone seems to have with the wedding coordinators. I have been going back and forth between Jamaica, Mexico (at Azul Beach, of course) and the Bahamas? Any suggestions from former and currently planning azul brides? Thanks everyone
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