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Everything posted by Imaculent

  1. The ETA proposed is August 13 which still give me 30 days to find a dress if this one is just horrible and I cant do anything with it.
  2. This is the dress I want, I love the puffy style so pretty. I also requested photos but she keeps ignoring me, I read that sunny doesn't post pics this is who im working with through emails about my product, But I wish she did!!
  3. Hello Im a noobie! I saw this forum and just had to join you ladies are WONDERFUL and have been such a huge HELP!! I just ordered my dress From Dhgate Babyonline, What havent seen on the forum was a princess ball room gown, I have always had the dream of looking like a princess on my wedding like the fairy tales with the BIG PUFFY DRESS. I ordered my Dress on 07/18/2014 and my wedding is September 14th. Im on pins and needles this has to be the one!!! I paid $160 on the dress. I will post a picture if you guys want....
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