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Everything posted by BecomingaRiggio

  1. I am pissed. There isnt even a word to describe how I feel. Leave tommorrow. Wedding sunday at 5 at skydeck. Im.sure we will run into each other
  2. I knew it was too good to be true that i was actually chillin and taking a nap the day before we leave to mexico. I woke up to a text from 3 cousins that have been invited to the wedding that "oh hi, we are in Cancun already, we just wanted to tell you that we can make the wedding" LIVID is an understatement. But they are family amd i cant turn them away (staying at another resort) i feel like an afterthought. Had a year to RSVP! Everything is done. I know i can add their plates when i get there but everything else is done like seating charts, place cards, table assignemnts. I have 12 tables with 8 people each. I dont have 13 cwnterpieces. WTF do I DO?
  3. Here you go. The black stadium cups were a sample that we had from a bacholorette party. The little bag, i think vinyl, is in the back (flowery). I just gathered all different patterns and colors. And the little angels are trinket holders from my mom. She thought it would be nice so the ladies have somewhere to place their jewelry. Our plan is to give them away on friday. We have a "guest manifest" with everyone's ETA to the lobby and we would like to personally welcome as many people as we can w the bags
  4. I bought lil totes from Michaels in the $1 bins. Not as nice as canvas totes but at 106 guests, that had to be adjusted. They travel light and took a few to work to see people's reaction and people loved them
  5. Yay!! I have been thinking about you. Im thrilled to hear all went well. You look soooo pretty, such a bride!!!! Toned, tanned and rocking your hair, veil amd dress!!!
  6. I can't log in either. I made the security adjustments but it says "page not available"
  7. Yes i did..emailed the spa directly. Took abt 3 days for a response. If you are less than 45 days away, no more changes to builder. Only the WC can do it. Shouldnt be a problem though. We are same weekend. Eeeeek
  8. My wedding is at 5pm. But i have first look pics starting at 3pm. My hair appts start at 11. All my bridesmaids too. They said we should all be ready by 2pm so we have time to relax and not be rushed. I would say you should allow 90 min for hair/makeup
  9. Im doing a lasso ceremony. Google it and what it means. You may love it!
  10. I am not a Secrets bride. I was at Secrets St James last week (same preperty as Wild Orchid). I saw a beach wedding that left me in happy tears. It was so beautufil. Dont miss the jerk chicken cart or the Coconut guy. Or the pool entertainmemt guy (i forget his name but you will know who he is) service was 10 stars and the Jamaicans make you feel like you are at home..they nvr say no! Attaching pics. Hope they come through
  11. I personally would not travel to a DW alone, no matter how good of a friend. Weddings are supposed to be a celebratiom of love and i wouldnt feel as welcome or wanted if i was expected to travel to a different country alone. Waiting 3 weeks before your wedding date was a bit inconsiderate of your time and unless they have planned a wedding, they will not understand the labor of love it is. Good luck, hope it all goes well and no friendships are tainted. Is there anybody that can intecept for you with all those stupid last minute questions? Mine are on website too and people still call me about dress code, spa prices, and get this...weather!!! So my sister in law is starting to call people and ne like "dude, dont bother bride with this...let me help you with or let me direct you to" it helps alot!! Good luck
  12. Hi ACJCwed, I am taking with me. I trust nothing to be shipped. Ive heard brides travel with alot of luggage and its doable so Ill try it. Once you qualify for a free event (they can see how many rooms are booked) then you can tell them the free event you want. Keep in your mind that it is a tier. So for the first set of qualifying rooms, its prob a cocktail party and then after a certain number more rooms, you can add a dinner. You also have to choose from a menu provided and they do not confirm the venue either. They explained that they have to wait and see how to accomodate all the weddings and their events based on guests. It makes perfect sense. But it can be worrysome. My venue was confirmed with my final paymemt so i feel alot better now @@ACJCWed Detailsbyjlynn. She is on Etsy.
  13. Flowers are ready to be shipped. These are a combination of silk and real touch. I recived a HUGE discount because she offered a listing where she uses her excess supply from previous orders. Although the can honor 3 colors, she cannot honor a specific flower request. These are the final products. If you are interested in ordering real touch flowers, i will gladly pass info. I paid less than $200 for all my flowers for wedding party
  14. Ladies!!! These are at Joanne's for $10. Perfect for centerpieces or for your head table. They also have a purple/lilac and blush combo. Shouldnt be too heavy to transport. I bought some rose sprays to spruce them up a bit in Mexico.
  15. Option 2! Sky deck for both..how awesome woukd that be Oops sorry. I just noticed i responded to a post from last year
  16. I heard the NOW resorts offer alot of bang for your buck. And Palace too. Maybe if you also have the cocktail party on sky deck it will make the $1700 more worth it.. I can forward my TA info too
  17. Hey ladies! Any one have the spa prices? I have a bridal one but some guests are asking how much massage is. And well if I wait for WC, wedding will have come and gone. Thanks
  18. This sounds like a Hallmark card. I would hardly compare what LisaPoppy is experiencing to your fiance thinking of a guest book in the shape of Mexico. I think what she is experiencing is real anxiety and completely normal. The wedding planning part has been the most awful experience for me. It makes me grind on decisions, second guess myself, anxious. They say marriage , buying a new house, moving, death and starting a new job are the most stressful things in life..so i think its normal for her to feel this and I dodnt get the impressiom she was blaming it on her wedding planning. GNO with some killer heels and nice lipstick will make you feel alive..he will folllow!! Good luck!! Keep us posted LisaPoppy. We r rooting for you.
  19. @@LaurenR so far we have this list: Wedding coordinator (on site), housekeeping, favorite bartender, reception staff, welcome dinner staff, brunch staff, favorite bartender and photographer. Shoot, long list.
  20. We found it very difficult to stay inexpensive in Florida (where we are both natives of) mostly because our guests would have to arrive in Mia and then rent a car and drive to the Keys. Florida is expensive anytime except for snowbird season. BUT a good friend is marrying at Sheraton suites key west and they have 40 guests and are very very happy with their budget. I dont know what it is but i know it was similar to what we had in mind. Also Don Paella (serves all S Fl) catered our engagement party which was 85 people for less than $1K and food was phenomenal. I dont know much about N Florida though. I heard Jupiter Lighthoiuse is very reasonable and very pretty I meant inexpensive except during Hurricane season, not snowbird season.
  21. Hi Past and Future Brides, We are working on our gratuity list and budget. Who did you/do you plan to tip?
  22. If you feel that uncomfortable, i would probably book a different resort. I dont think "karisma" or any resort would "make it up to you"..i am at a company function now in Jamaica and you would be surprised how many people are NOT at the beach..its crazy. You have tons of time to find another resort. From all the reviews I have read it seems like there is no perfect resort, at least not for us brides
  23. Thank you. May 1st was the date we wanted to marry because it was 1year ago we got engaged. but AS didnt have that date available..so here we are..on our way to the courthoise ; )
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