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Posts posted by JustynaB

  1. @@Kayla88

    We set up our meeting before we got to the resort but only about a week in advance. We got there on a Wednesday, our meeting was on Thursday and we got married the following Tuesday. I felt it was definitely enough time to set everything up.



    My reception was also 3 hours and I wish we had extended it. It definitely flew by and it seemed like it was over too soon. We started at 6 and ended at 9. The party by the pool doesn't start until 10:30 and in retrospect the ideal plan would have been to extend reception by 1 hour leaving 30 minutes for guests to roam/freshen up and then join the hotel party. I didn't use the hotel photographer because their pictures weren't overly impressive. I've also observed them working other weddings and have noticed that they talked to other hotel employees for long periods of time while holding the camera instead of taking pictures of the wedding. 


    Good luck to you both!

  2. Hello ladies! Reading this last post compelled me to quickly write my wedding review. I'm sure I'm omitting things so just message me if you want more info.

    I had my wedding at OCT on November 11th and the absolutely worst part of it was the salon/spa!! If you can...do your own hair and makeup and ask them to give you a refund on that part of the package. Like you, I thought that worst case I would fix my own hair and make-up....I was able to salvage my make-up (mostly) but my hair was ruined for good. It was crunchy and yet they somehow made me look like a wet rat. The lady also took so long that I finally ran out of there 30 minutes before the start of the wedding. I asked for soft beach wave curls and brought pictures. I ended up with shirley temple looking crunchy strands of hair interlaced with crunchy straight parts. There was no combing it out and it was too late to wash it.

    My advice would be to go and try the spa very early so that you have time to wash and do your hair before the wedding OR just plan on doing it yourself and forget the spa altogether! 


    Regarding make-up: when I saw their suitcases filled with cheap crusty make-up that all the ladies (aka massage therapists) at the spa seem to be wearing I opted for her to use my own make-up. I brought a picture with me of how I wanted it to look. First question from this lady when looking at my smashbox eye shadow palette: "which color you want?" it got worse after that. She put foundation all over my lips, my eyebrows, my eyelids and my face had so much of it on that I felt like I couldn't feel my own touch on my face. When she was done...my eyes didn't match. My left eye had dark eye shadow on the lid only while my right one had it all over my arch. She put eyeliner on my eyelid NOT THE LASHLINE but really high up on my eyelid and then she stabbed me in the eye with the mascara...twice... I cried. Then I left (and by that I mean I ran).

    The name of the person doing all this damage to my head was Vicky. After observing the hotel for a while I actually think that she was a massage person that happened to attempt to do hair and make up that day.


    We used Ricardo with Disco Movil for our DJ and I would stay away from using him. I booked him because of all the great reviews he has but I'm starting to think maybe they are fake. He sat almost the entire time while playing music and some of the songs he played were inappropriate at best. One moment I vividly remember is enjoying my wedding cake (which was delicious) and all of a sudden hearing "To the wall" including all the expletives. For those of you who don't know that song, the chorus consists of words like mother$%^#$, B%$#@!, sweat run down my balls... Yup....that happened. I don't really think that you should tell your DJ not to play that crap at a WEDDING RECEPTION. He also played the wrong entrance song for us and the wedding party and cut off all the first dance songs at the wrong times.... Guests were making an effort to dance.


    Alright...now that I got all that out of my system...on to the good:


    Wedding - The rest of the wedding was amazing! They did everything right even though I think over the course of the last 9 months and planning we went through 4 wedding coordinators. One thing I didn't like is that we brought a ton of candles for centerpieces to create a warm look and while they put all the candles out...they didn't actually light them. They also didn't serve our cake for us. <- not sure if they were supposed to though.


    Hotel DJ - his name was Temo and we saw him play at a wedding 2 days after ours and he was AMAZING! Dancing behind the turntables, engaging with the guests, playing appropriate music that had everyone dancing like fools. Being that there is no extra fee to use him I say go for it!


    Flowers - I showed the wedding coordinator pinterest pictures of what I wanted and they replicated it exactly using different flowers that were included in the price of the package but achieving the exact look I wanted.


    Ceremony - we opted for a religious one and the lady officiant was my favorite part of the wedding. That ceremony was so meaningful and true it had everyone crying uncontrollably.


    Food - Amazing! No complaints from any guests.


    Hotel itself - also amazing! No complaints from anyone and because of the size it was very easy to find everyone.


    Best of luck to you all!


    good luck at the wedding! if you are using the resort salon & makeup please share your experience afterwards or pictures! thank you!


    So I just contacted the other coordinators now, since my coordinator was Daniel. I am hoping I don't have a problem hearing back from them because I amtrying to upgrade my package from romantic to paradise, since we had more ppl book than expected. Should be okie to upgrade since we had already reserved the terrace for the reception, at least im hoping its okie!


    were these side by side terrace receptions small wedding groups?? I cant imagine having a wedding side by side, we have almost 50ppl coming, so I hope we get a private reception as stated in the package details.


    When we had our wedding we were the only group on the terraces (just over 40 of us). The other wedding opted not to have a reception. Comically enough the other wedding party decided to crash our reception. It was not received well and only lasted about 20 seconds. 

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  3. Hi Brides!

    I haven't been on here in a while but heard from Daniel that he was leaving and Areli/Cynthia are now the coordinators. Based on what he said the new contact email is [email protected] which is different from the one Daniel was using. That may account for some of your problems of reaching someone. I just received some pretty quick responses using that email which is good since our wedding is on 11/11!! YIKES!

  4. Hello Brides,

    I just joined this group with the intention of helping others out being that we came back from our "wedding inspection" trip at the resort 2 weeks ago. Instead...you ended up helping me out! I had no idea Ana left. We actually spoke with her and she was telling us how much better her job will be now that she has more help!?!? She was the one with all of our information and choices for ceremony/reception etc... I guess I'll email Daniel just to confirm everything again :S

    While we were there, they gave us all the checklists as well as menu and cake choices. If anyone is curious as to what they are I will be happy to provide.


    Did any of you pay for extra lighting at the terrace? If so, what was the cost and would you do it again?


    I'm also torn about PhotoPro - the sample books they have at the resort are terrible! Has anyone used an outside photographer? WOuld you recommend them?


    Have any of you paid for the DJ service? Ana told me that the DJ will just play the music and not do any sort of MC work. Was that your experience?  An MC service from the resort is an additional $300.


     @@MHyde - every night the resort either had a live band or a dj playing music in the lobby until either 12 or 12:30 (can't remember exactly) and there was A LOT of dancing going on. After that, some of the more lively guests went over to Route 66 - this place stays open until 6am. It's more of a downtown diner experience but they have a bar so you can keep going until the sun comes up. :)

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