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Everything posted by neliruz

  1. thanks for the photos girl! it looks like they do a good job with hair and makeup..i think I may just do my hair and makeup at the spa so I don't have to pay an outside fee if I bring someone in...especially since yanna told me that I need to pay $65 per decorator that goes into the resort...aside from that im paying $150 for the photographer (outside vendor)..I think $65 per decorator is excessive for sure because theyre just going in for a few hours and theyre leaving right after...im not sure how many people the decorator lady has in her team..hopefully she doesn't need THAT many people hopefully just a few...hopefully I can negotiate this a little with Yanna (as you can see im very hopeful lol)...im not going to stress about this too much now especially because I don't know how many people will rsvp to go..im assuming the smaller the group the less labor it will take..
  2. Hey can u send me What the spa sent u to the email address u sent me the photos last week? Thanks sparkles!
  3. Thanks ladies! They are going to be coasters. I'm excited! The website is almost live. I'll send you the link so you can check it out.. Here is where you can see the details of the promotion Ariana http://www.dreamsresorts.com/offers/save-your-date
  4. I'm totally behind! I jut ordered my save the dates LOL..how can i attach somethng on here so I can show u ladies? oh i think i got it...
  5. That's awesome I'm glad that worked out for u jazz...they actually have a promotion right now for a free welcome cocktail hr but I don't qualify because I dont fall in the period where it needed to be booked... also if u get the comp wedding package u don't qualify for a free welcome cocktail either but that's ok ill just front the cost. . But I'm happy u were able to get for free that's great! !!! Mandiesue and sparkles u should go to the dreams site and see if u qualify..
  6. Hey strawberry can you send to me separetely? I'm a noobie and cant download anything! The welcome bags can get a little expensive...I found this site where I can buy for a dollar...as far as the art work, my coworker is doing all of that for me...http://www.discountmugs.com/product/tot13-advertising--none-woven-tote-bags/ ..ill try to keep the expenses down for the bags but i totally know where youre coming from mandiesue.. I'm not shipping anything because its so expensive to ship..i already told my bridesmaids that they will need to help me carry things in their suit case because I cant take everything with me..so when i order the favors and whatever else it will be shipped directly to them and they can take with them to DR (im obviously taking lots as well but i cant take everything)..thats why theyre in ur wedding party..to help u and make this easier for u..so far my girls have been very understanding and supportive about this..if u have a wedding party use them!
  7. Very nice! yea i dont think you need to give a favor either..I was considering doing the same (not giving a favor because of the welcome bag) and some of my friends were like "well thats not a favor" and im like "it costs as much or more than a favor)...i'm thinking of still giving one but not an expensive one...
  8. What are u putting in ur welcome bag? I was going to put sunscreen..bug spray..advil..first aid kit...small bottle of brugal or mamajuana (local rum/drink), local candy and snacks and a cigar...and for the kiddies a sand bucket with some toys...im planning on giving them out during the welcome cocktail hr..i would love to get some more ideas
  9. great minds think alike! mine are teal (almot turqoise but hinting a little green) and orange... http://theeverylastdetail.com/modern-orange-turquoise-beach-wedding/
  10. LOL yes please share the photos they send you..my bridesmaids are getting their hair done a the spa most likely..theyre doing their own make up...
  11. We are actually doing symbolic just because I dont want to deal with paperwork..translation..etc etc.here is a thread of someone's experience with the legal ceremony...strawberry sparkles...all these brides and wedding party got their hair and makeup done at the Dreams Spa...check out their opinion..some of these reviews are old so I'm sure their spa has improved (as well as everything else) http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/51243-dreams-la-romana-review-by-jenne/ http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/52376-dolfinlucks-wedding-review-dreams-la-romana-lots-of-pics-included/ http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/33667-dreams-la-romana/page-252
  12. Wedding plans are going well...I've changed a few things here and there..I changed to the simplest package just because I'm outsourcing a lot of things...If you're not working with many outside vendors I'd honestly choose the Ultimate package just because once you start adding little things to the middle package it will probably cost you the same or more than the ultimate..for example...if you choose the middle package...and ask them to decorate the gazebo and add hte chairs..once you add that itll cost around the same as the ultimate but with the ultimate you get the trio for cocktail..a video..extra photos...the gold menu..etc etc..so just my 2 cents...you would know what you want more than me obviously because you know your vision... I'm going to go with the resorts DJ for a few hours..I wasnt thinking of having the MC package for 999 though..just the regular service for 350 (4 hours) and I'm thinking of providing all of the music to him...I'm also thinking of having a welcome cocktail hour the day before the wedding..I'm also having welcome bags and will give those out during the cotktail hour...the whole 4th of july fireworks now has be wanting fireworks for the wedding LOL...it's kind of hard to plan all of this while not receiving responses from the wedding coordinators because I dont know if its all realistic or how much it will cost... If I dont choose the premium DJ with MC I guess I'm just afraid of the transitioning between dances and speeches and announcing everyone...that's something I'll have to think about and figure out
  13. @@Mandiesue So you have your dress so exciting! How are you preserving it from here until next April? I'm asking because I purchased one online and I am wondering how can I store it so that it keeps its "new look".
  14. Hey mandiesue I'm working with an outside decorator so I'm sure she's charging I don't know how Much. ..I know the resort has done it for others before but not sure at what charge. . Hey strawberry sprkl I've read hit or miss reviews. .I've seen good pics.. most ppl recommend u go the day before to do a trial. . That way they get familiar with u and what u want for the next day. .also if u have a hairstyle in mind bring a photo. .I've heard they do well with that
  15. here are their websites - you will find everything you need on here as well as how to contact them...I hope you have better luck than me! Honestly I'm not sure if it's the day pass or vendor fee...I'm confused with all that...I dont see why you should pay $150 fee for someone who's doing your makeup/hair for a couple hours..I havent had much luck getting a response from the WCs...Im just planning what I want and sending them updates so they can have on my file and their notes ahead of time... http://www.krystieann.com/ http://annanuet.wix.com/annanuethair
  16. @@Nursejazz - you got this girl you're on point, focus and informed. Your day will be spectacular!!!!!!!!! @@Mandiesue - My reception will be at the beach. I sent my decorator some ideas of what I want (lots of lights around the palm trees). It's the feel I am going for. I will also be renting the parquet flooring so people can dance on instead of dancing on the sand (I'm sure that's not too comfy). I decided not to go for the resort's spa makeup because it seems like its a hit or miss. I've contacted two ladies in the area for availability (they are supposed to be AMAZING. There names are Krystie Ann and Anna Nuet and guess what THEY"RE ALREADY BOOKED 9 months out (so i guess they really are amazing)!!! My decorator lady knows a make up lady who's good (she did my friends make up when she had her wedding at Dreams). I may have to end up doing that. FYI I know sometimes I share info that no one may have asked, but I figure it may answer some questions you may have in the near future
  17. Hi Mandiesue The love package doesnt include chairs or sashes. That would be additional. I know some ladies take their own sashes with them. I know sometimes they'll throw in some free decorations if they can but I wouldnt count on that. Below is the price list per chair. Chairs Tiffany chairs (for 20 or more guest) $ From 10.00 White Wooden folding Chairs (for 20 or more guest) $ From 7.00 Plastic Chairs with white cover $ From 3.00
  18. Yea girl I started freaking out about my budget after we finalized our guest list. Then I was like WAIT I dont need the ultimate...I mean I havent talked to Yanna about it but I dont see why it would be a problem considering that I have lots of time to make changes and communicate all details and outside vendors to them. As far as the hair and make up, after everything I've read its pretty much hit or miss. Sometimes they do amazing work and sometimes its mehh and the bride has to fix it last minute (which I would like to avoid).
  19. Hi Chicas! So just a little update on me....I'm considering downgrading to the Dreams of Paradise Package for the following reasons: I am hiring an outside decorator which will pretty much do all hte decorating and provide all the flowers, I am hiring HDC as photograpers, I am hiring an ou tisde person to do hair and make up. The only thing I still want and I will pay for is the caribbean trio during the cocktail hour which I will pay for as well (and the reception obviously). I am also getting an outside baker (hired by the decorator). At this point I dont see why pay for the Ultimate Package because in many ways if I kept it I'd be paying double for many things. Hopefully with my guest count and the amount of nights they're staying there I can get the package complimentary. I sent Yanna an email about the buffet options to see what thte pricing and options look like (in case I have to do that but I hope not). This is such a learning experience!!!!!!! Nursejazz...has Yanna worked out anything regarding your menu preference?
  20. Also...it makes me wonder what happens with the 10-20 ppl your package covers as far as food...do you pay the difference between a la carte and buffet for those 10-20 and then pay full price for the remaining ppl..or do u just lose it and have to pay full price for everything...at that point i'd probably consider downgrading especially when using outside vendors instead of their services...sorry if I'm so specific but my mind works in numbers at all times...
  21. Hey Nursejazz Do you mind sharing the menus with us so we can get an idea of what we may potentially be dealing with? If you want to send directly to me in a private message that works. I spoke to my friend and she did end up with the buffet option and she chose the lobster tail. She said intotal she paid around $100pp, which makes sense (the $80 for the food and $20 something for the premium bar). I dont know about you, but I'm not triyng to spend that per head.
  22. @@Ariana2015 The photos that come with the package are specifically for the ceremony only. You can't switch it. At that point you'll have to start looking at their packages. I'd just have them both there for the ceremony and then you can keep HDC for photos after the ceremony/reception (and before the ceremony if you're hiring them to take photos of you and hubby while getting ready)
  23. @@Nursejazz Are you having your reception at one of the restaurants?
  24. I am going to use HDC as well, but since my package includes 50 Tropical Studios photos and the video I am keeping it as well. They won't negotiate pricing if you dont use everything the package comes with. Either you use it or you lose it.
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