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Everything posted by BusyBee280

  1. Glad to hear that you didn't have many troubles with this. Anyone ever tried this entering and leaving Mexico? I think its a cute idea, and we don't have much that we will be carrying with us.
  2. I'm thinking we are just going to do the OOT bags, we plan on having one item in each bag that is specifically for them.
  3. I don't know much about that area. My FI and I are getting married in the Cancun area in November 2014, but we are going through a resort (we plan on staying, and getting married there)... I'd recommend finding a coordinator in the area to do your footwork, they would have a better idea of what is in the area that is in your price range. Just make sure you do your homework; I've heard some horror stories about people paying coordinators, and dropping off the face of the earth.
  4. Good Morning, I'm currently working with this resort to block rooms for my wedding. Am I still able to use this promotion even though my group will be receiving a "group rate"?
  5. Congrats on your engagement! How exciting! I was very frazzled when I first got started also... We ended up narrowing it down to 3-4 resorts that we would want and got In touch with the coordinators... They can give you an idea of what they have to offer and how much everything costs.
  6. I am also at a location where children under 18 aren't allowed.. In the accommodations section where I put resort info, I just added a note at the bottom saying Unfortunately children under the age of 18 are not permitted. If they want their children to come, you could maybe say they can stay somewhere where they have child care, and get a day pass for your wedding?
  7. Afternoon Brides!!! We are currently planning a wedding at Secrets Capri Riviera Cancun for November 2014 and have been since around January. Our coordinator has sent us some options, but hasn't been efficient with the information that we provide her at all, actually I would label her closer to incompetent. We stated in our e-mails several times that we would be getting legally married here, and would only be doing a symbolic ceremony there. When she finally confirmed our date with us, she posted us as a legal ceremony! We had to send her our deposit forms three times before she confirmed, and since we sent in our forms, but she didn't recieve them before the "due date" we didn't qualify for a special that we wanted. It usually takes me sending multiple e-mails over the course of a week and a half or so for her to respond... I've already had to switch hotels because of mis communication, and I started sending my e-mails to her in spanish to make sure she understands- Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this type of situation? I have less than 6 months left to plan and I'm starting to get nervous. she hasen't even sent me information on my options for music etc.(shes only sent me the boquets packet and forms for deposit so far..) Signed Discouraged bride-
  8. I too enjoy this site, its awesome to hear everyones stories, and work with everyone to help out with such a stressful project. We are Playa del Carmen, Mexico 11.15.2014
  9. I'm not sure about the app, but I know that it's very common for people to create their own music playlists from their phones/ipods for the ceremony & reception. Most places have speakers that you can hook them up to (from what I have read). I've never heard of any issues coming from it---
  10. I am not going through the same place as you are, but its nice to know a ball park of how much extra they charge for outside vendors etc. Thanks so much for the info!
  11. I have been thinking about doing this, We are using the photographer through the resort "adventures" in Mexico, and it is 500 dollars for the "trash the dress" shoot. I know that my mother would kill me, but it's a once in a lifetime chance, and I managed to pick up my dress for under 100 dollars
  12. We didn't end up inviting even a 1/8th of the people that would have attended if we were at home.. We want to send out a "save the date" with a picture of us in it. "celebrate with us from afar" or something along those lines maybe>?
  13. I've had people come to me and ask me what our colors are for it... Honestly, I would state somewhere on the invitation that "our wedding colors are _____________, we would love to see a colorful blend of ___________ in our wedding pictures!"
  14. So far we have 12-2:30 Bridal Spa Shower 2:30-4:30 Hair, Makeup Getting ready 4:45-5- Wedding party photos (bride w/ father- groom w/parents etc) 5:00 ceremony 5:30 Sunset portraits 6:00 cocktail hour & reception
  15. Thank you all so much for the info, this site has been soo helpful throughout this whole process. Did anyone have any troubles bringing stuff to a different country? We are planning our wedding in Mexico, and I'm worried that if I purchase something liquid or expensive, they will give me trouble bringing it through customs. Has anyone run into this? Also- My fiance feels that we are doing too much for our guests already (there is a couple that we are paying for). But there are a lot of people that are spending a lot of money and time for our wedding. So I scheduled a "spa day" on me ofchorse for my two girlfriends with all kinds of treatments. Is this enough, or should I still consider doing the OOT bags for guests that wont be at the spa?
  16. Afternoon Brides!! I just confirmed my date of 11/15/2014 at Secrets Capri Riviera Maya. I am wondering if anyone has hosted a wedding here, and what experiences they had with the planning. So far I have had some difficulty communicating with the WC- Her name is Caroline. We have e-mailed back and forth for the past month or so, and we plan to have a symbolic wedding. After stating this several times, her confirmation information included a legal ceremony Any advise for working with a WC that has trouble with English? I already plan to print out all of our e-mails and bring them with me. Flowers- Has anyone used Dendrobium Orchid in their wedding? Any idea how much extra they might cost to have ordered? I must say, It's nice to know I'm not the only one that worries about these things. I love this site -Amanda
  17. My fiance and I came into the idea of a destination wedding- that it would work out for everyone, and be less stressful than planning a wedding here due to all of the people we would need to invite so people wouldn't get offended (his family consists of half the town!) We thought that not being in charge of planning EVERYTHING, that it may be less stressful (we both have incredibly stressful, and time consuming jobs) and that getting married somewhere warm and tropical would be soooo dreamy our main goal was to get married where we wanted, with the people we wanted. Somewhere warm, and pretty, and I wanted my blue orchids and lillys. We decided to get married in Mexico, so that it wouldn't be too expensive for people to go. Now I'm starting to think we should just bag the whooolle thing- We origionally only wanted my parents, his parents, and our "best man & MOH"- This quickly turned into 1. My parents nearly insisted that they wanted my brother and his wife (I HATE his wife btw) to go. After wards they refused to pay for them. So we prepared to pay for the trip without complaint, and they contact us stating that they want to stay LONGER than we were booking them for!! and that they will pay for the extra days (these two already owe us a bunch of money) I love my brother to death, but his wife and I have NEVER gotten along- Everytime we see eachother I end up hearing all of the things I did, and said that were wrong. We can't stand eachother, and now I have to spend $2300 (thats almost how much we are paying for our wedding!) to ensure that they go. I know it's not that big of a bitch, but when I'm spending that much money on someone that I don't even like, and never even wanted there, my feelings of resentment start kicking in... 2. Being called selfish -FYI we picked somewhere that we felt would be cheaper so people COULD afford to go. My fiance's parents took it into their own hands to invite who they wanted, they insisted that they wanted his sister, grandmother, and her grandmothers boyfriend to go. there was only a couple of people extra, and they said that they would pay for them. Biting my tongue I said "fine". Now we hear complaining about how much it is going to cost to get everyone over there. THEY ARE THE ONES THAT INVITED THEM.. and now it's our fault....? After dealing with these two incidents I felt it was needed- I invited my girlfriend and her dad (who has played a big role for me in the past). We werent supposed to have that many people, but everyone making decisions without even consulting me fueled me to go ahead and invite someone that I actually wanted at my wedding. 3. I'm the type of person that is constantly ontop of what needs to be done. I'd go ahead and classify myself as fairly impatient. I know that the wedding coordinators have ALOT to do, I can only image the "bridezillas" that they have to deal with. But I'll send out an e-mail, and it will take 2 weeks to get a response to a couple of questions. We haven't heard anything since we made our deposit (a week and a half ago) So I'm not even sure if they have recieved it yet. I don't complain about it to my fiance, or harrass the wedding coordinator (I send her about 1 email per week with everything). But it's incredibly frustrating trying to get planning done when it takes a week to get my questions answered. (I don't have an international phone, so I can't call either..) 4. My flowers- it was on the list of two things that I desperately wanted in a wedding (warmth, and my orchids). I thought that mexico would be warm enough to cater to the needs of growing orchids. Come to find out they are incredibly expensive, so expensive that we can't afford them.. On the happy note of things I don't think were going to be changing much though. We want to get married where we want, and if people don't like it, then they don't have to go. It sure doesn't help when personal issues start getting introduced on top of everything that a bride ALREADY has to deal with to plan a decent wedding. - I feel better already Rant Over-
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