Ladies my girlfriend forwarded this super interesting article regarding "Unplugged Weddings" basically the do's and don'ts regarding your guests taking pictures, ruining moments and shots or altering lighting with aggressive flashes.
I'm to sure if it will be a direct link as I'm posting from my phone, if not copy & paste to address bar (my apologies)
After reading this article I will def be announcing that we will be having an "unplugged wedding"
This is the announcement I saw in the article;
"Welcome, friends and family! Good evening, everyone. Please be seated. Dan and Jennifer invite you to be truly present at this special time. Please, turn off your cell phones and put down your cameras. The photographer will capture how this moment looks -- I encourage you all to capture how it feels with your hearts, without the distraction of technology"
I am totally in love with this idea. It helps me "control" what pictures are taken and I hate hate haaaate my pics being taken without knowing and then posted online. Huge pet peeve!
Anyone else thinking of having an unplugged wedding ??