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Everything posted by rbisporains

  1. Vontade de fazer um sanduíche com bastante alface, presunto, queijo, tomate, pepino, sprouts, maionese e frango... Mas, ao invés disso, vou ali tomar sopinha de batata com brócolis... YayyyI want to prepare a nice sandwich com a lot of lettuce, ham, cheese, tomato, cucumber, sprouts, mayonese and chicken... But instead I'll have some potato broccoli soup... Yayyy

  2. Feliz Páscoa a todos os meus amigos e parentes! Muitas saudades de todos!Happy Easter to all of my friends and family! I miss you all a lot!

  3. Pronto, amiguinhos! Já posso ser destravada no Candy Crush! Solicitações enviadas!Obrigada!

  4. Heading School now!!! Yayyyyy

  5. I'm Regina! I've been looking for ideas on how to do fly ticket invitations and saw so many nice works in this website that I decided to make an account and check more. Our wedding will be in Brazil and I'll have to do the invitation in Portuguese so my family can understand!
  6. Hi guys! I want to make my own flight invitations as well but I can't download it because apparently I need to pay for the website. Any tips about what I can do? Btw, our wedding will be in Brazil and the language in the invitations will be Portuguese. Thank you very much!
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