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About Loompita

  • Birthday 01/27/1983

Profile Information

  • Location
    Montreal, QC Canada

Wedding Information

  • Wedding Date
    May 08, 2014
  • Wedding Location
    Dreams Puerto Aventuras

Loompita's Achievements



  1. @@mazarin Hi there! I just got back from DPA last sunday...the wedding was amazing! and yes, they have daily and night entertainment for all ages...we weren't bored one bit! The day after we arrive, we met with the Tour Guide and reserve a few activities...We went to this 3-1 activity where we went snorkeling, visit a xenote and an underground cave...was about 80 bucks for that one...The next day, the ladies went for a half-day tour to Tulum and the boys went on a fishing trip...both had lots of fun! Just one bad thing that happened to us that soooo could have been prevented! We get to the airport and 2 of our guests had an expired passport!! One being my dad, and i was so pissed! luckily for him, he had a Chilean passport and was able to board with us...the other one, my friend's husband, wasn't so lucky as he only had his Canadian passport expired 2 months before...he had to wait for the next day to get an emergency passport and book another flight which ended up costing him another 800 bucks in total...so my advice, 7 months before your trip, ask everyone to send you a copy of their passport! if you need more info, feel free to send me a message at [email protected] ... it's all stilll fresh in my head!
  2. Hi! im getting married May 9, 2014...we have booked from the 4th to the 11th...dont know what to expect! when we first started looking for hotels, i read great reviews about this resort...now i was just browsing a few website and i saw some not-so-good posts oh well, i guess to each their own experiences! good luck to ya!
  3. Hi Everyone, We are getting married May 9 at the Dreams Puerto Aventuras Resort. So far, we are 20 ppl. We took the Dreams Ultimate Wedding Package, thinking it would cover all of the wedding expenses but now are realizing there will be extra money to spend! Apparently, they are not putting in the white chair covers during the reception. And we didn't know we would have to spend another 900 if we want to rent out a restaurant! So we told them, we'll go with whatever is included and we'll have the reception on the beach. I was wondering how did it go for ppl that did that? Also, I was told that we need to rent out the speakers for the reception as well, but then I hear it's free if you just ask for the Ipod station? How does that work? Also, I see that they charge 600 to 1300 for candles?! That's crazy!!! I'll bring my own from the Dollar store! And how does it work for the centerpieces? Did most of you ladies brought your own or did you rent them out? We were thinking of having one big table for all 20 ppl and so I just want to put some candles and maybe some flowers but nothing extravaganza! But I also don't want to put in all the suitcases and be charged for extra weight! I just wish we knew this a few months ago, instead of stressing about these little details a month before! I ordered on Ebay the organza chair decors, got them for 12 bucks, but yet I'm not even sure if we'll received them on time! Anyone that could give us some suggestions about where we can save some bucks we will really appreciate it!
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