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About DarellJ

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  1. Hello everyone! I am writing this to help my better half to get more info on the subject and hopefully narrow some ideas down to where when and how. I am asking for as much info as you people can spare. I want the good the bad and the ugly. Its her day so I want to make it the best that I can for her with as little stress. We are looking for a destination wedding. Late Dec early Jan, Somewhere warm, Sikh wedding theme. Gonna high ball the amount of people to be safe. 150-200 people hoping to be with in $1200-$1600 travel cost for people. What do we need to fly down for the wedding (DJ,Photo. ect.) Keeping budget fairly high since I know it will be extra cost for that many people. I am expecting 30-50k (I could be off on this). Nice settings, beaches, food and rooms. If any one has good info as in places and even in wedding planners to go with would be amazing. We are from Calgary Canada so any one around that area who has expertise in it would be a bonus also. Please feel free to send me any info you can on here or to my email [email protected] Thank you.
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