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Everything posted by forevertogether

  1. Here's my cake topper!!! Well the design I want... I will have it customized to look more like me and my SO and only have one furbaby!!! https://www.etsy.com/shop/trinasclaycreations @@acw271011 That's an awesome idea!! I hope to be able to do a vow renewal one day too!!!
  2. @@kcole123 That is cute!! Here is the one I'm gonna get! She custom designs them so I can make it to look more like me and by SO.... Just one furbaby on it too!! https://www.etsy.com/shop/trinasclaycreations
  3. From the album: Gen

  4. @@acw271011 I have one more PDF file, but it was too large to attach.... It has a listing of extra products and services and the costs associated... If you want that PM me an email address and I will send that to you as well! Here is my offsite coordinator: [email protected] I do not know how beneficial she will be... I have had some difficulties getting her to respond to me... But she has gotten better with the last few emails... I'm assuming with wedding season at it's high time, that she was prioritizing brides which weddings were coming up rather than me and my wedding a little under a year away! Hope this information helps! weddings_upgrades.pdf Recommended Resources - Inglés.pdf
  5. @@tygrrlily Mike Cantarell with Cancun Wedding Video!! They are also a pleasure to work with! I'm wanting to use Styling Trio!! They have some AMAZING work!!! Have you found out if your resort is going to charge the full outside vendor fee for them coming to you?
  6. @pddcmc@AyeWatSoon I have booked with Dean as well!! They are great and super fast!!! They have been so helpful!!!! They even helped me lock down a videographer and told me they would come as a team so I would only receive 1 outside vendor fee!!! @@tygrrlily May I ask who you are using for your hair and makeup?
  7. @@acw271011 I am also wanting to use Styling Trio for my hair and makeup... Have you contacted the resort (I know you were considering the Gran Porto) regarding the outside vendor fee??? I CANNOT justify paying 350.00 extra dollars to have them come to me!! I really want to be able to relax in my own room and get pampered... Also I don't want to accidentally run into my fiance or guests!!! But I refuse to may the standard outside vendor fee of $350.00 for someone who is only going to be there for a couple hours max! I can kinda understand the fee (although 3500 is a bit much) for the photog and vidographer but not for just hair and makeup! Let me know! Also... ANYONE else with input on this, please let me know!! I'd love to have some fresh reviews for this company! They have excellent previous reviews, and their gallery images are amazing!!! @@acw271011 SORRY!! One more thing! Would you mind letting me know how much they are charging?? You can PM me if you prefer, or if you're not comfortable telling me, that is also fine!! It never hurts to ask! Thanks!! Sorry for all the questions!
  8. @@acw271011 I agree!!! Since you're looking for the WOW factor... #1 or #2... I'm torn! They are so beautiful!! I'm loving the sleeves on #2 and the fitted silhouette is beautiful!! OK I just fell in love with #2!! My vote is on 2!!! Good thing I already paid for my dress in full otherwise, I may have considered switching! LOL!!!
  9. @@acw271011 These are all gorgeous!!! You've got a hard decision ahead of you!!! Personally, I would go with option 3 just because it seems less poofy of the 3... And I'm not a poofy kinda girl... But no matter which one you choose, I know you'll look beautiful!!! Most importantly, stay true to your own style, go with something that you can be comfortable in and feel the most beautiful!! I know this wasn't very much help!!! SORRY! Good LUCK!
  10. Found these today!! I'm still researching cheapest prices.. But I found these at http://www.logobarproducts.com/ 25 personalized shot glasses for 82.50... I'll continue to look around, but I wanted to share anyways!!! Happy Planning!!!
  11. @@talicea7812 Those are beautiful! And sounds like totally fitting to your personality!!! It's refreshing to hear vows that are honest!! Great job!!
  12. @@pddcmc I bought them from shopbubba.com... I did receive a discount for ordering more than 25... Not sure if I'll need that many, but I figured I could resell them if I am unable to use them.
  13. @@DWBride2015 @@bliss2be Thanks for the support ladies!!! I've had some time to kinda, "get over it" I suppose... I'm at least not angry about it any longer, just sad that they don't seem to share the excitment that we have over our wedding day... But oh well, like everyone is saying..... WE'RE GETTING MARRIED, IT'S OUR DAY, AND WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A FREAKING BLAST!!!
  14. @@malyna Not for one second!! This is our dream wedding and we deserve to have it! Yes, I'm sad that some ppl can't come share, but it was important to us to do what we wanted!
  15. @@AllieH He is very upset about it but is trying to stay positive... We both know we are going to have an AMAZING time and enjoy every single minute but it just makes me feel sad for him! I guess family can really suck sometimes!!!! I am glad your parents changed their minds! and great idea about rubbing it in!! I will definitely do a little of that!!! NOT evil in book!!! LOL Thanks!!!
  16. @@DianneP I GOT MY BAGS and I LOVE THEM!!! They are going look perfect once our logo is screen printed on!!! Thanks for the tip!!!
  17. UGGGHHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT LADIES!!!! NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE OF MY SO'S FAMILY IS ATTENDING OUR WEDDING!!!! NONE!!! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! We told our families our destination wedding plans last October!! For our January 2015 wedding in Mexico!!! We knew that our some of our family members were going to have to save up! His brother agreed to be his BM and which I should mention is his ONLY groomsmen! Then just sent us a FB message telling us he wouldn't be able to attend--even tho he saved up for a cruise that he is going on next month!!! Not even a phone call!! His younger sister really can't afford the cost, which we totally understand, but we offered to pay for 50% of the 1300 and she just said she didn't want to even try to save up the additional money!! If my older brother was getting married, I'd be sure to figure out how to save 700 bucks to attend! And most depressing -- his dad!! His dad, just said so nonchalantly that he'd have to decline because he didn't have any desire to leave the US! WHAT!!!??? (HIs mother is a different story, she just can't go because of health reasons and it's not worth the risk... But we are having a videographer and I'm designing a sign that says "We Love you Mom" that we will have the photographer and videographer get shots of.... SO that doesn't upet me...) and his parents are divorced, so the dad isn't staying to care for the mom-- just an FYI. SO, I don't mean to sound like a giant jerk, but it's really depressing!!! I hate that he won't have any family to share our special day with... It puts a damper on father/daughter and mother/son dances... We'll miss out on pics... I'll feel terrible taking special pics with my mom and dad and then him not having any!! It makes me so sad to think about!! And I realize that low attendance is a risk you run with a destination wedding and we're ok with that... But you just expect your parents and close family to be able to come if they can afford it.... AM I terrible for feeling this way??!!! I just feel so horrible for my SO!!!
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