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Everything posted by bliss2be

  1. this is fantastic, they look super professional, gave me confidence to try my own, espcially after just recieveing a quote of nearly $800 for my invites ........Great Job
  2. The way I see it is that you will be marrying him its all you and him, and the great thing is then he gets to become a part of your supporting family, I do hope they come around, but even if it was just the two of you thats all that would matter
  3. Hi Everyone, I have recently got engaged, and just starting to get to grips with this site, I am lucky enough to actually live in cancun, so It wont be as much of a nightmare for me as I guess for alot of 'real' destination bride, however as i'm sure you are all aware the web content for alot of mexican places especially the smaller non chain venues etc is sometimes non-existent so even though I live here I find this site so helpful! I am already so excited that In a year from now I will be a MRS or Senora to be precise, H2B is Mexican. I need suggestions for venues, hiring a luxury chauffer car from the church to the venue, and also If people think its absolutely necessary to get a wedding planner, I actually really enjoy the planning, so I might go without, especially since I live here, in return for everyones help I can help with local knowledge etc, I am also going to try and view alottttttt of possible venues so ill upload lots of images for people to see, I am a professional wedding photographer so choosing my photographers is going to be a task allllll of its own, I have already looked at over 30companies..... oh well thats me. get in touch if you have any hints or if you need an inside scoop on somewhere, also I am available for local cake tasting haha Bliss2be
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