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Everything posted by MrandMrsBonitto2016

  1. Also look into Kukua Beach Club. It's beautiful I'll send you that info too:) @MrandMrsBonitto2016 It took a while before I recieved a reply from Jellyfish. That's why I looked into other options. I don't think I'm going to use NOW. Because, of the extra charges for everything.
  2. Paradisus is a beautiful hotel. You can't go wrong with them:)
  3. @@Julia Eskin that doesn't sound like a good idea. Do you know if they monitor the patrons? To ensure they don't crash your wedding?
  4. I'm going to invite 50. However, I'm sure only 40 will show up. I plan on using The Wright Agency. I'm sure it will be just fine:)
  5. @@acw271011 Now Larimar and Kukua Beach Club in Punta Cana.
  6. @@yayme do you want DIY invites? or do you want them printed for you? I have been looking on Vistaprint and Esty:) I'm not the DIY type. LOL..... keep us posted!
  7. Punta Cana DR 10/14/16 very excited venue still up in the air:)
  8. @@forevertogether I'm so sorry to read this. I hope they have a chnage of heart. And if not the people who truly love you guys will be there to share the moment. It's about you and your future husband:) Keep us posted!
  9. @@LillCee You need to dress shop like yesterday:) @@tygrrlily is right about that:)
  10. Welcome and Congrats on your engagement. Don't feel overwhelmed this site will guide you along the way. You've done the hard part, picked a location:) Now find a forum for that location so you can get visuals. Also, using a travel agent will be a great help as well. Try the Wright Agency. They have also been reviewed on this site. Hope that helps a little. Happy Planning
  11. @@colivia They both appear to be beautiful locations:) I'm sure it will be fabulous!!!!
  12. Yes Bego seems like a dream to work with. I can't wait to get the ball rolling. I've been torn between Now and Kukua. But, I think I'm going to go with Kukua. I want that one on one attention:)
  13. @@AllieH in your search for a gown, did you find a lot of dresses that didn't require bras? I'm a busty girl and the thought terrifies me. Lol......
  14. Try the Wright Agency:) They have rave reviews on this site. And I can tell you from my conversation with them, they want to make the travel arrangements a stress free experience for you. Hope that helps!
  15. @@anerka Can you share the Villa info? Please:) Also try www.innovart.com.do They do amazing work:)
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