I would like to see your photos. What is your facebook name?
@@duchovny0901 How soon did you start working with the TA? My wedding isn't until 2016. But, I would love to get the ball rolling.
WOW 80 people!!!! If you don't mind my asking, how much did the extra guest cost you? I plan to have 45-50 and I know you have to pay for each additional guest over 25.
Hello Lovely Ladies,
I have two years to go:( But, I wanted to start early to avoid stress and financial burden. How soon is too soon to send STD's?
Now I'm in the same boat:)
@@kcole123 I'm torn between Now and Kukua Beach resort.
@@girlinthecity97 I'm still in the beginning stages of figuring out colors and things like that. So I really have nothing plannned. But, I do want to book my wedding in the next two weeks. To lock in a good rate:)
@ Very cute.
What do you ladies think of blush dresses? Yah or Nah?
@@LilyPotter did you order online or at a shop? I can't find a shop that has this brand:(