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Everything posted by DianeSegura

  1. This scares me:( I'm working with Karla....well actually I've haven't had any contact with Karla I've been working with one of her coordinators who has been great!! But theres a big part of me that thinks I am being taken advantage of financially...It just doesn't seem like they're negotiating with vendors to get me a great and reasonable deal on vendors....and now that i see your post it really worries me because it has been more money that we thought. The vendors in Cabo are soooo much more expensive than in so.cal which i was surprised but maybe this because of Karla is charging me more and not negotiating prices down...I just haven't felt like, wow this is a great price or they really negotiating down and still got me what i wanted...anyways i'm nervous now and my wedding is 2 months away:/
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