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Everything posted by Soon2beMrsJ

  1. I feel the exact same way - 39 days til the big day!!!!! I keep thinking of more stuff I probably should do, but I think I'll just do what I can, and whatever doesn't get done it probably wasn't too important anyway Congrats!!!!
  2. Hi @Lisa35 I was so nervous when I heard we couldn't really plan details until a few months before too! But you still plan on your own, then when you get to talk to the wedding coordinator you have everything ready and know exactly what you want Our wedding is next month, fingers crossed it all goes as planned (or at least most of it goes as planned)!! The stuff I have is 2014 pricing so it won't apply for you - but I can send you photos from our site visit there last May if you'd like to see. Let me know!
  3. Hi @@DestoWeddingers Congrats on your engagement!! We're having our wedding at the Royalton White Sands in Montego Bay, Jamaica next month - I had almost the exact same requirements as you! We're having 45 people (including several children), having the ceremony at the beach gazebo and then the reception is poolside at night. It's incredibly stressful planning a destination wedding but I'm sure it will all be worth it!! Happy Planning
  4. Hi @bryNdee I haven't stayed at the Royalton yet, just visited for a few hours during a site visit so I don't have enough to say for a review. I will after the wedding in a few months!
  5. Hi @rachelia160 We thought it would be fun to do square program fans instead of traditional programs. One side has a paragraph with us thanking everyone for being part of our day (didn't list the bridal party or anything) and the other side is very short and sweet - it says: Order of Ceremony: Music Starts We Get Married Everyone Parties Hoping everyone likes it! And it really is a good fan too, and people will need it in the Jamaica heat!
  6. Soon2beMrsJ


    Congrats and happy planning!
  7. @@JennaMC We're having a DJ for all 4 hours of our poolside reception, the resort has one for a set amount per hour or you can hire an outside DJ. He will set up and we'll have a dance floor and everything, it's going to be awesome I've heard about the slight lack of nightlife at the Royalton as well. Since most of our guests are either older family members who wouldn't need too much craziness or friends who have young children so "nightlife" to them is having a dinner without crying, bottles or missing bedtime, so I'm not too worried about there not being a dance club or anything at night. But Margaritaville sounds great! The majority of our guests will only be there from Thurs-Sunday with the wedding being on Saturday, so not too much time to leave the resort for us. I'll email you some beach pics today.
  8. @FutureMrsGlover I know, I can't believe it's only 2 months away!!!!! I will definitely post a few pics when we get back. Yay, I'm glad your family and friends are starting to book! You have lots of time, a few of our guests are literally just booking now.
  9. Hi @@JennaMC, congrats on starting to plan your wedding!! We visited the Royalton last May to start planning ours, but we didn't stay there so I can't say too much about the beach. But I walked on it for a few minutes to take some pics and the sand was nice and soft and the area was very clean. We're getting married at the beach gazebo at 2pm (the 4pm slot was booked already) and then having our reception poolside at night. There's a garden gazebo and also the beach area for ceremonies, and you can do your private dinner poolside or on the beach. There may be a few more options but I'm not sure because once I heard poolside I was in Feel free to message me with your email address and I can send you some pics. Happy Planning! Our wedding is 2 months from today, yay!!!!!
  10. @@FutureMrsGlover It will be a beautiful perfect wedding no matter how many people are there, as long as you get to marry your love!!
  11. @@FutureMrsGlover Chandlyn got back to me today and everything is fine!! They're honoring the old prices and all the aspects of the package that were different have been figured out. Whew!!!
  12. Thanks for starting this thread, so many good ideas! Hopefully my fiancé will decide what he would like to do soon so we can get that checked off the list. I think he's thinking full light gray suit for him and just light gray pants and white shirts for his groomsmen. But I'm really liking the vest too, that looks great!
  13. @rachelia160 I keep thinking the same thing!! I wanted to order all this cute stuff I saw on Pinterest and Etsy and now I'm like I just don't want to do any of it anymore! I did some of it and now I'm just hoping it's enough to look nice 61 more days!!!! Not that I'm counting.
  14. @@LisaAnthonyPoppy I have 2 months left and I feel the exact same way SOOO ready for it to be the big day and not have to think about anything anymore!!!
  15. @@RandL2015 I know exactly how you feel!!! I felt terrible when I saw how expensive the flights were getting. We really wanted to keep the flight costs down for our guests. When we went to Jamaica last May the flight was $420 and now they're upwards of $700-$800 roundtrip!! Just keep telling myself that it'll be an amazing trip and wedding day, everyone will have a great time, and I'll get to marry the love of my life It'll be awesome no matter what!!
  16. @@FutureMrsGlover Still waiting to hear back, I know the weekends are super busy so I'm hoping Chandlyn gets back to me today to let me know that she can honor the 2014 pricing, otherwise our wedding will be without a lot of extras we were planning on!! @@kenwash It definitely depends on how long people are staying, what kind of rooms, etc. It was a little pricey but I think it'll be an amazing time for everyone! Most of our guests are going from Thursday to Sunday (our wedding is on that Saturday).
  17. Hi @@Jvandong I only have the packages with pricing we received when we signed our contract last year, but now I'm getting sent higher prices with different/missing aspects to the package we had chosen, so I'm working on figuring it out. I'll send you the ones they are definitely using when it's all clear and straightened out Happy Planning!
  18. Beyond the cost, I've never heard anyone being unhappy with the Royalton - considering my wedding is there in 2 months I'm thinking positively that everything will go great!! 73 more days til the big day!!!
  19. Hi @@Cablelove11, I'll send you the packages today Happy Planning!
  20. OMG so beautiful @@pamelas21!!! You looked amazing
  21. @@dathotgal I sent you the info! I don't have any costs on Kevan because we decided to go with the resort DJ, as we heard he is fantastic.
  22. @@Jpdaflyest67 what's your email address? I'd be happy to send you the Royalton info I have. Happy Planning! 75 more days for us til the big day
  23. HI @@bryNdee, I will email you the package info I have! Totally didn't see your message til now, sorry about that
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