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Everything posted by LillyLife

  1. Congrats and happy planning! My fiance and i were also interested in many of the locations you mentioned but found the same problem with keeping it affordable for all guest. Just take your time and consider all options and other locations as well. It will come to you as you rule out what it is that you do not want. Good luck!
  2. LillyLife


    @@Mandiesue, Thank you and congrats to you as well. I know that the DR will be a beautiful wedding location. @@RaynDrop, We did do a wedding site, but thank you for the FB idea, I think I will try that, as text and FB are the best way to get a hold of everyone it seems these days. Email just isn't working out to be as effective. I have had to limit myself to a wedding planning schedule so that it doesn't consume all of my time away from other priorities. Thank you for the ideas!
  3. LillyLife


    I was just referred to this site by an awesome person & mutual bride-to be that I actually just met in Mexico while doing resort tours. Go figure that although we live in separate cities, we are both from the same hometown, Small World! Anywhooo...My fiance and I have been engaged for three months now and are in the beginning stages of planning. Everything was slow paced until our resort tour trip last month and now it seems as if the flood gates have opened! Any suggestions on how to find balance and not be consumed with the planning, never ending questions from guest, etc? We do have a DW coordinator from DestinationWeddings.com which is a great help but ultimately trying to decide every little detail has me needing a vaca!
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