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Everything posted by LauraM

  1. Your guests won't be expecting anything, so even something small/minimal will surprise them. We're all obsessing over OOT bags because we're researching destination weddings and seeing the amazing ideas on here. Wedding guests have no idea how creative/expensive OOT bags get and will be happy with any gift from you, don't stress =)
  2. lol I'm constantly initialing things at work (nurse) and my current initials flow soooo easily... the new ones are going to be so tough, I'm actually going to have to take my pen off the paper between letters!! lol... I'll have to find a way to make it work.
  3. not to mention, if "and family" or the child's name is not on the invite.. they're not invited. Period. Some of my guests' children are invited, and some are not. It all depends on how well I know the children and how they behave. I'm sorry but if your child is an annoying misbehaved brat at a family cookout, no way he or she is allowed at my wedding. good luck!
  4. haha congrats!! I'm so close... hope it's as wonderful as I'm expecting!!!
  5. Nay. I don't think many people would feel safe taking them... even though they do trust you and most meds are fairly identifiable, still a little questionable.
  6. ooo great idea! I'm trying to customize as many things as possible for the OOT bag, this is a great addition, thanks!
  7. Jet Blue... the only airline I'll fly! And it's the only airline that flies nonstop from Boston
  8. @@Lia33 love your dress! It's gorgeous! I'm too paranoid to post in the rare chance the man cares enough to read some of my posts eeeek
  9. hahah love this! congrats! I was mad at him the first time he asked (right after a fight, seriously?!?!) so I put my hand over my eyes and yelled "this is not happening!" and then immediately went to bed by myself... he did better a couple days later =)
  10. ah! That's wonderful! Jealous! I still don't understand why all the wedding departments have such bad customer service.
  11. @@NJBride2014 I know it's kind of late and close to your wedding but I've read many many posts advising to skip on the dance floor
  12. @@Lia33 I actually don't have a MOH =) no wedding party.. however, my fiance and I are considering taking all the guys/gals on a club-tour in cancun. There's various companies that will take you club to club (all inclusive of transport, cover, line-skipping, and drinks) for the night. The guys will do 2 clubs while the girls do 2 different clubs, and then we'll meet up at the end of the night at the same club. We've done this together in the past and it's fun, safe, and a really good deal for the price. It'll be even better with a big group!
  13. as with all wedding deco, cheaper to buy than to rent, of course, lol. Thanks for the info! It looks like these may be packed small enough to bring to Mexico rather than rent. I don't want to bring too many things because our trip is about 3 weeks and our clothing alone will take up a couple bags, but these might make the cut for things to pack instead of rent. I think they are so pretty and help with ambiance
  14. I didn't save the packet they sent to me because I thought I had everything in email... my fault. I booked about a year ago. I'm assuming they changed the package when they switched photography companies... lesson learnt
  15. I want to do this also but I am concerned that some guests (or I....) may jump in the pool and I don't want to ruin the lanterns and be responsible for paying for them... just to rent them is quite expensive so I don't imagine buying them would be cheap
  16. We may also do a guided bar/club tour as a bachelor/bachelorette night depending how ealry in the week our guests arrive
  17. We chose a family resort because we want SOME (not all... certain children are not being invited, sorry) of our guests so feel free to bring their family for a vacation. Turns out no one actually wants to bring their children lol, now i almost wish i chose and adults only. Talk to your guests before making a final decision about a family vs adults only resort
  18. I heard that all the tax is charged to your room and you pay a bill upon check-out.... I plan on using my resort credits on my wedding package... because everything else has "limits" of how much resort credit you can use for one type of service. Also heard that their upgraded wine/champagne is priced crazily (like, the tax is equal to what the bottle would cost in the US) ... nonetheless, i love palace resorts! just some things to keep in mind =)
  19. @@KAT2015 That's a great idea! How special that you found someone willing to do that for you, and she also gets a vacation with a great addition to her professional portfolio... so smart. Wish I had looked into that sooner! Sounds like you will be able to capture an array of special moments. More brides should look into this option....(i already booked... but i love this idea! Thanks for sharing!!)
  20. @@tygrrlily I've been through a couple, though never Abril. I'm currently working with Daniela. For the past couple weeks, she was emailing me several times daily. Currently, I haven't heard back in about a week. They've all seemed to have done this (very responsive at first and then slowly stop answering). The worst is when the FINALLY email back and miss some of my questions!
  21. You're timeline seems perfect! May I ask, which photo company are you using and how much are they charging for additional hours? If i had a December wedding, I would do the mid-day break like you're doing, will be nice for your guests.
  22. @@tygrrlily ohhh I haven't even looked into it... you're probably right because fake petals would litter the beach. darn.
  23. I love this idea and didn't even consider that they may blow away on the beach.... I will definitely be looking into buying fake petals in bulk.
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