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Everything posted by keezy

  1. Welcome to this site!!
  2. Half my Bridal party has dropped out on my end!!!
  3. If you don't mind me asking, what price were you quoted from Air Transat?
  4. We started booking about 10months before the wedding to lock in our group rate of $1530 pp, from Toronto to PC
  5. OMG, love those!!! Where did you get them??
  6. We dated for 4yrs before getting engaged last year June. Been engaged 1yr now and wedding coming up.
  7. I originally had 4, now down to 2. Two of them cxld on me couple wks ago. Have asked 2 other friends to replace them but both have said its not within their budget to come..*Sigh*
  8. Previous brides that booked HDC, did you have to send them any deposits before the wedding or just paid in full once there?
  9. Love those tumblers!! Will def try looking for them when I go across next time.
  10. I'm still trying to decide if I should do this for both fathers on mine and fi side
  11. We stayed at the Elegance Nov 2013 and did not experience anything
  12. We getting married at the Courthouse and then having our DW after
  13. We have to pay extra for Gazebo decorations which I want to avoid doing, so will keep the all white free package
  14. Which Resort is yours at?? Oops saw your response already.. Lol.. How are your plans coming along??!
  15. Thinking abt using our resort salon for hair, not sure about make up! (I better start learning:)
  16. Quick question!! I'm trying to apply our pic to the same passport invite and it's not allowing me to. Plse help!!
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