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Everything posted by heatherp1927

  1. This Tuesday I leave for Akumal with my fingers crossed that all goes well. The communication never improved with Eugenia and it has been a couple of weeks since I hav heard from her. Hopefully my unanswered questions will sort themselves put when I arrive. I was just looking at the forecast am I am a bit worried about that as well. Is there an alternative if your wedding is to be scheduled on the beach and it rains?
  2. I'm having troubles with the photographer right now too. They are trying to upsell us on the packages way beyond what we can afford. I said I wanted the 3 hr package and all of a sudden they are insisting on 4. 3 is already beyond what we can afford and they will not respond to me now that I said I couldn't afford the 4. Does anyone have an outside photographer coming down around April 7th who would want to split the cost? I don't even no where to start contacting people with only 1 month to go.........
  3. Hello, Just wondering when cake cutting is? Will they have this at the dinner at the restaurant or will it be at our poolside reception? Dinner for us is 530-730 with reception 730-1030. thanks
  4. I read a post that suggested 16-18 yards so I bought purple and orange Tulle...Not sure how much is needed so bought a bit extra.
  5. Just to add to that, she said 150 if I supplied my own material. I have been told 350 if I don't bring my own material. Yes, if anyone else hears otherwise please let me know as I feel I am being over charged for no reason. The wedding coordinator has yet to respond to me questioning this charge
  6. Still hoping for more information on this. If someone who recently got married at Bahia principe could let me know what they were advised/paid I would greatly appreciate it.
  7. I read online that you could bring your own fabric for the wedding ceremony so I inquired about bringing purple. Does it seem right that they want $150 for me to use my own fabric? I finally heard from the hotel today but seems like they are trying to gouge me a bit. For other people who used fabric did you set it up yourself or pay?
  8. Great pic thanks. I saw there are round tables too....I sure wish they would respond to an email
  9. I have read from a number of people that they took music on an iPod for the hired dj to play. I too would like to have my own set lists of songs, but if you are paying for a dj can't you just give him a list and have him download them? Does the resort specifically request that you bring an iPod of songs if you want specific music played? Also, is a cd suffice? Just asking as I'm not iTunes savvy. For people who had the guitar trio play after the ceremony on the beach I.e during the toast, how long did they stick around for? I was told if I wanted music of my own after the ceremony that I would have to pay 90 per speaker lol. Doesn't make sense they would charge me for speakers if they are already set up for the ceremony. In one place I read that the included trio plays for 20 min and in another 45. Has anyone used them for after the ceremony with feedback? I have seen a few pics of cake online and I have not been offered any options other than flavours. Someone was kind enough to send me the pics of cakes from jazmin and they were regular I.e 1 tier cakes. For anyone who had a bigger wedding party and a cake for 30+ were they given other options of a 2 tiered cake and if so did it cost more? For those awaiting for a response, I got my first response yesterday with my wedding in 8 weeks, after trying to get a response for over a month. It took a rather motivating email from my travel agent to get any sort of response
  10. For $2800 how many people were you quoted this for and is that for 2013 or 2014? With the romance extravaganza package the drinks are already included so was that for dinner or just DJ and music after dinner? Seems like a lot.
  11. I am getting married at Akumal on April 7th. No one at the hotel will email me. Very frustrating! I have Eugenia as my WC as well. It has been nearly 1 month since I have heard from anyone at the hotel. The only emails I got were confirming the wedding date and time and then after I agreed and sent them my booking information all communication stopped. I am really not impressed. What information Sarah, if any, have you received about the wedding options. I originally went with the Romance Extravaganza option but now I might change my mind. With this package it says 2 hours of open bar is included. For a reception you would still have to hire a dj though at 210/hr so that's an extra 420. I am thinking of switing to the unforgettable symbolic package which saves over 1200, and then putting that towards purchasing a poolside reception as an opton. I have requested the prices on the poolside recpetion and of course have heard nothing, but in old posts it shows that poolside receptions are for 3 hrs at 1900. Anyone know the 2014 prices for poolside receptions? I have also read a lot about flowers for bouquets being seasonal. I picked out my bridal party dresses and ties based on the bouquet I told them I wanted. How will I know if I am going to get that bouquet or not?? Again....no response
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