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Everything posted by sarahdouc18

  1. Hey everyone, I just started looking at this resort last night after months of searching other locations. Thanks for sharing the information packaged from the Wedding coordinator! Was anyone able to find pictures of the gazebo? Does it look semi-private? Thanks!!! Happy wedding planning
  2. Hi everyone! I haven't been able to find much information on this resort either! I have been in contact with Laura, a wedding coordinator at the resort, and she wasn't able to send me any photos of the reception areas as they haven't hosted many weddings yet. She said she would email me photos as they host them and I will pass them on to this forum!
  3. I just started looking at the Royalton White Sands last night! Since it is a new resort I haven't been able to find much info or pictures of ceremony and reception location...have you found much?
  4. Hi there, I am planning our wedding for January 2015. Does anyone have photos of the chill out reception or the private beach party? The resort won't send me any photos due to privacy reasons I guess! Thanks!
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