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Everything posted by jwalsh

  1. Here's what they look like finished..I put everyone's initials on the other side. My group really likes to drink so this way everyone will know who owns what cup I still haven't ordered new stickers for my bubba kegs yet I might just leave them with everyone names.
  2. I'll be handing ours out the evening we arrive..my WC booked a private table at the buffett for our group so I'll hand them out then, I'm just going to bring everything in an extra suitcase or two our airline charges 22 dollars per extra suitcase so that's a lot cheaper than shipping everything.
  3. I'm in Canada so shipping was brutal..I had a huge order of stuff when I found out what shipping was I was so frustrated so I cut my order down to 3 items shipping was still high but not as bad as it was with the huge order Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. For the price I think they're pretty good quality. They aren't super thick like the canvas ones on vistaprint they're pretty thin but I think they'll be perfect for my guests to use as beach/pool bag Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sorry here's a pic of the tumblers and mini bottles for sand..didn't realize my phone didn't show the pictures!
  6. jwalsh


    From the album: oot bag stuff

  7. jwalsh


    From the album: oot bag stuff

  8. I'm happy with my order although the fans all kinda vary in size but oh well..I plan to put coral ribbon around the handles so they look prettier bags fans lanyards
  9. jwalsh


    From the album: oot bag stuff

  10. jwalsh


    From the album: oot bag stuff

  11. jwalsh


    From the album: oot bag stuff

  12. I found them at dollarama I also picked up mini safety kits Advil And these cute little bottles I'm gonna put ribbon and a tag around each one then fill them with sand when we get there and use them as wedding favours Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I know exactly what u mean he is pretty fast to reply but his answers are pretty short. Once it gets closer to my date I'll ask him and hopefully find out..I'll keep u posted once I find out any of these little details. I'm also wondering about how many ppl per table I want to make starfish place cards with guests names but if I don't have a seating plan I'll just have to put generic tags on them. I'll most defiantly post a very detailed review. Reviews on here have helped me so much with my planning!! Congrats to u too! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My moh is wearing the same dress as the other girls I'm just getting her a bigger and a little different bouquet than my other bm's so she stands out more
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