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Posts posted by jwalsh

  1. I originally really wanted to do Aruba but it was just too pricy per person according to my TA def price around different travel agencies though.  when you contact the resort they should only be concerned about the date and time.  They should book your date then go from there the resort I'm using doesn't need final numbers until a week or so before we arrive! My wedding is only 3 month away and I still don't have final numbers since some of my guests are slackers and haven't booked yet.

  2. @@LindsT we're getting married at Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana my TA sent me a few different resorts she recommended I checked reviews on Trip Advisor and I found overall Majestic had the best reviews and it's been a life saver I feel like I'm so ready and have a really good idea what to expect :)  Majestic has a garden and beach gazebo sounds like the garden gazebo might be something you're looking for.

  3. I was thinking about getting disposable cameras and have a couple placed on each table during supper with a little tag telling my guests to take pictures throughout the reception then at the end of the night they can be placed in a bag so I can take them home with us to be developed.  Has anyone tried doing something like this?  What do you guys think yay or nay?

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  4. Ok I plan on giving my bridesmaids each a coach wristlet, barefoot jewellery and earrings to wear the wedding day and a pair of sanuk sandals because I love sanuks and I know none of them own a pair.  Do you think I'm giving them enough??  Should I give more?  If so suggestions? Should I give my MOH something extra?  I was MOH for her but I don't remember getting anything extra compared to the other bms.  Let me know what you ladies think

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