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Everything posted by ruthehk

  1. @@aborgesbride take a look at this! blue bay is too expensive for my guests, but you should definitely look at this -> http://www.pinterest.com/pin/162692605262717828/
  2. Can't see either of them due to that 150 post thing. Any chance you can post a link to them instead?
  3. I was told the Occidental Grand has awesome prices. I'm actually looking at that resort right now...
  4. So exciting! I already got my dress and it's still over a year away. We're doing a trash the dress shoot and I want to get a second dress for that. Do you have any appointments anywhere?
  5. This is my dress: http://www.davidsbridal.com/Product_Chiffon-Soft-Gown-with-Beaded-Lace-on-Empire-Waist-V9743 It doesn't look super great on the model but if you look at some of the reviews the you'll see more details of the dress. It's completely opposite of what I went in for, but I suppose that happens a lot... I get it in April
  6. I'm going to be getting shoes like this... I can't stand heels, and I tried to find some I liked but I settled with this. I love them!
  7. Same here! I look a lot, but don't post. I don't want to annoy people, lol. So what's everyone up to this weekend? I'm going to a bridal show, woohoo!
  8. Thanks for all the responses We will be getting married before heading to Mexico, but unfortunately my Dad lives in Ontario and I live in Alberta so that's not really an option either. I have considered asking my uncle but we don't have a very close relationship as the majority of my family live in England, and I'm in Canada. Perhaps I'll ask my brother in law for a dance, and my mum can walk me down the aisle.
  9. Hi all, Unfortunately, my father won't be able to attend the wedding. There are several reasons for this, and he and I have discussed it. I'm completely understanding of his reasons to not come but I am still upset. I wanted him to walk me down the aisle, and now I can't have a father/daughter dance. I'm curious as to if any of the other brides here have faced, or will be facing the same situation. I'm trying to decide which would be the best. A) I walk down the aisle with my mum, and don't have a first dance (or do?! Maybe?) I ask my brother in law, who is the only other male who has been in my life for a significant time, to walk me down the aisle and have my first dance with him. He will also be in the wedding party as he and my fiance are very good friends. Does anyone have any opinions on this?
  10. Hi all! Working on my 150 posts too. How is everyone today?
  11. Haha yeah, same here! Super tempting as this is my 3rd post... so long to go until 150. It sucks
  12. Oh my, you already booked for June?! We want ours on June 20th, and we have no idea what venue yet. I need to get hustling... don't want to have to pick another date
  13. Hey everyone! So glad to finally be in the planning stage. My fiance and I got engaged in January 2013, and wanted to wait until he was done school to get married. We decided on a destination wedding since the majority of our family has to travel to see us get married. I'm thinking Riviera Maya, but I don't have too much information on the area just yet. We do have an appointment with a travel agent next month to talk about it. So if anyone has any suggestions that would be awesome Also our wedding date is June 20th, 2015. Can't wait to to talk to everyone!
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