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Everything posted by aberg

  1. Hi ladies- I have finally narrowed down April 2015 for my wedding! YAY! Now to decide on the resort... My TOP choice would be The Royal in Playa del Carmen hands down. However, the prices are a little pricey for that resort and I'm trying to be mindful of my guests. I am considering Excellence Riviera Cancun and Secrets Silversands as alternatives. I've heard good things and they actually priced a little lower. Here is what I've read/gathered this far. If anyone has viisted these resorts or considered these themselves, I'd love to hear you opinion! ERC Pros- decent price, wedding packages seem to be reasonable, fun resort with good night life, no towel cards to hassle with, no reservations required for the restaurants, modern/nice rooms Cons- los of seaweed on the beach, enforced dress code at restaurants (could be good or bad) SSS Pros- a little more private, new/modern rooms, Cons- rocky beach, not a lot of reviews to read Thanks for your help!
  2. Hello- I am recently engaged (November 2013) and we know we want a destination wedding!! Now the hard part.... picking a resort and a date!! We want to give our guests a heads up of the date well in advance so they have time to plan for it. We believe we have narrowed it down to The Royal Playa del Carmen resort. Now for the date.... We are considering either February or April 2015 for our wedding. I have read numerous sites about prices and weather but we still can't decide! Ultimately, we want to avoid "spring breakers" and super busy seasons! We are mindful of the cost to our guests so we are also trying to avoid the high season. We have targeted the following dates: Saturday, February 14; Friday, February 20; Friday, April 10; or Friday, April 17th. We are afraid that if we have it in February that we might run into Spring Breakers. I have also read that February can be considered part of the high season. However, the plus side of February is that most people are ready to escape the cold winter weather! I have read that April is great for weather. However, Easter falls on April 5, 2015. Our guests would likely arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday the week after Easter. I'm not sure if the prices will still be high at this time due to the holiday or if the resorts slow down (and thus prices decline) during this time. If we have to, we are considering pushing it out to April 17 but also want to avoid it getting too warm. I do like the sun and prefer the water be nice enought to swim in! However, I don't want everyone sweating profusely during the wedding and being uncomfortable as I do prefer the ceremony and reception to occur outside. Does anyone have any insight on weather and/or prices for these dates?? HELP! Thanks in advance!
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